Kanan-sama wa Akumade Choroi - Ch. 91 - Miel’s Secret Eats

Nov 17, 2023
You are wrong my man, i don't have the exact same opinion as the other guy, but i do agree with the idea of side ships, at least one or 2 just to ease thing up

Also i think harems in which only one girl wins are just sad, so side ships help to fix that
Holy moly, it's Doomroar. We got the same tastes, huh :D
My take on the post I quoted is that the commenter was frustrated because what the manga is, and what he wants the manga to be are two different things. He wants it to be fully fleshed out with more characters, less reliance on old tropes, the mangaka easing up on the harem-stuff. I don't think that's what this particular manga wants to do. It's a gag manga which wants to focus on the feMC+MC with the side characters adding a little flavor on the side. Is it harem? Everyone seems to love the MC but the MC only loves Kanan, and I don't think anything will change that.

As for romance anime/manga in general, I believe that due to the constraints and conventions that the industry has put onto itself, the old 2000s romance anime with all the characters interacting with each other, having side stories and their own relationships is dead.
By constraints, I'm talking about the limits the industry puts onto itself so that we can't make old anime like we used to. 13eps per season kills a lot of adaptions. Some manga lives issue to issue via serialisations and forces mangaka to write less characters to keep their manga shorter.
By conventions, it's the rules the creators keep to. People would rather stick to tropes and plots that everyone is comfortable with, and they don't like to take risks. This is self-limiting and self-defeating, but I've seen some works which have tried to do things differently and they never get a second season, or they die off. People don't want to take the risk.

E: and now that I think about it, do people want these deep and meaningful romance stories? Because I look at the current landscape and I see isekai, harem, power-cultivation and OP-MCs and I think to myself that it reeks of entitlement. If there's going to be a female character in any story, readers want them lusting for the MC or else they're going to complain that it's NTR.
Sorry for the wall of text everyone, I have gone done it again. Choco banana pudding vanilla caramel creme brulee fruit whole shebang crepes for everyone! Doomroar's paying 👇
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Dex-chan lover
Jan 20, 2018
Holy moly, it's Doomroar. We got the same tastes, huh :D
My take on the post I quoted is that the commenter was frustrated because what the manga is, and what he wants the manga to be are two different things. He wants it to be fully fleshed out with more characters, less reliance on old tropes, the mangaka easing up on the harem-stuff. I don't think that's what this particular manga wants to do. It's a gag manga which wants to focus on the feMC+MC with the side characters adding a little flavor on the side. Is it harem? Everyone seems to love the MC but the MC only loves Kanan, and I don't think anything will change that.

As for romance anime/manga in general, I believe that due to the constraints and conventions that the industry has put onto itself, the old 2000s romance anime with all the characters interacting with each other, having side stories and their own relationships is dead.
By constraints, I'm talking about the limits the industry puts onto itself so that we can't make old anime like we used to. 13eps per season kills a lot of adaptions. Some manga lives issue to issue via serialisations and forces mangaka to write less characters to keep their manga shorter.
By conventions, it's the rules the creators keep to. People would rather stick to tropes and plots that everyone is comfortable with, and they don't like to take risks. This is self-limiting and self-defeating, but I've seen some works which have tried to do things differently and they never get a second season, or they die off. People don't want to take the risk.

E: and now that I think about it, do people want these deep and meaningful romance stories? Because I look at the current landscape and I see isekai, harem, power-cultivation and OP-MCs and I think to myself that it reeks of entitlement. If there's going to be a female character in any story, readers want them lusting for the MC or else they're going to complain that it's NTR.
Sorry for the wall of text everyone, I have gone done it again. Choco banana pudding vanilla caramel creme brulee fruit whole shebang crepes for everyone! Doomroar's paying 👇
Hey! those creepes are expensive, you trying to ruin me!?

It is a quite a miserable landscape, but sadly i do recognize such trend in current media, which is what makes things like "You and I are Polar Opposites" such a refreshing read when it comes to romcoms, it has 3 ships and they are all top tier, i really hope people start copying that model more

Imagine how goated an ecchi romcom with proper side ships would be, i think Boku no Kokoro no Yabai Yatsu, which got an anime recently, is hinting at eventually getting there with its recent chapter

Alternatively i am fine with the rare polyamorous ending, you know an actual harem, but those hardly ever happen, i think they are even more rare than side ships, unless they are taking place in a fantasy setting, in which case the harem is made of slaves... because may as well be as tacky as possible while doing such sex fantasies
Dex-chan lover
May 30, 2023
Well, author did the right thing not putting them love flags around and putting sibling alarm instead. Imagine this becomes 5 way street. 6 if you include the busty babe of a mom
Dex-chan lover
May 20, 2023
Maybe one day you’ll stop being such a horrible judgemental person and just realize that people want to be loved. Smugness? You are the most smug motherfucker I’ve ever seen. And you’re throwing words around that only mean hate and bigotry and don’t have anything to do with who they are as a person.

There are no such thing as incels you tik tok brained monster. Just people with complicated issues, people, who are struggling with mental health issues. You need to stop lumping people into groups because it does nothing but make you a bigger bigot thinking there are “thems” to fight against.

You’ve made it pretty clear though. You’re just a bully. You’re a bully who doesn’t realize they are a bully, blinded by self justified mindset you didn’t even create, you just got influenced without knowing it by living on social media
while yes, you're not entirely wrong, incels are 100% a thing and not good. go outside, dear lord I can SMELL that wall of text
Dex-chan lover
May 12, 2023
Jesus Christ, out of every person in Japan to have a “bumping into with toast in mouth” situation, of course it had to be the MC.

I don’t get it. If you’re going to dedicate to much time to these new character how hard is it to also introduce different guys? This used to be a normal thing in anime and manga. You’d end up with an amazing diverse cast of characters who had different relationships with each other…

Think of all the amazing Romance Comedies manga’s from the 90’s and 2000’s where having a full cast of characters gave life and brevity to the series instead of this blind MC worship built from random small acts of kindness without romantic intent.

Let people fall in love. The first Girl will get that treatment, they usually get 10-12 issues before the second girl comes but after that it just repeats. We get to maybe a kiss and here comes another girl to restart the chase. And this whole time you could just dedicate that time to introducing a new Dude to be a love interest.

The student council president could of been a easy love interest for the Angel Jeane if they decided to go that way, but she just has to be another super cute girl in love with the MC, and it hurts this series. Having the sister fall in love with the MC hurts this series. Having Jeane profess her love constantly hurts this series.

Is it just me? Sorry
Aye, it's just you. And apology accepted.
Dex-chan lover
May 12, 2023
I mean... not really. The Harem Romcom has been a staple of manga for like 3 decades now, at least. Love Hina and Tenchi Muyo are olde schoole things. It's also been pretty established at this point that the demon family falling for the MC doesn't really impact their relationships. The Mother, for example, was more impressed and flattered. This sister finds him calming and sweet, like he's really her brother.

This series very much did shift, as it started off as the male lead being completely focused on the female lead, but now there's actual rivals. I get the annoyance, "good girl gets introduced just to have her heart broken" is the agony of following harem romcoms, but it's also part of the appeal. There's an investment people have in seeing a character they like be happy, and harem romcoms usually speedrun characterization for the new girl to make audiences fall in love with her. You root for the underdog and hope that the series ends in a way where she's happy too.

As someone ALSO rooting for Jeanne, I get it. I expect a polycule at the end of this, there's been too much foundation at this point. We're like 3 volumes too late to turn around and go "oh actually only Kanan wins the Kyogibowl"
Watch as this ends exactly with Kanan winning the Kyogibowl. Everyone else is fodder thrown to their character development fire pit. It doesn't matter if you get 3 volumes or 20 volumes with this pseudo harem nonsense. Do you remember something called The Devil is A Part timer?? Literally 70% char development of Emilia x Maou and then boom, he ends up with Chiho. I guess my argument makes it look like some other girl like Jeane could steal him but the point I am trying to make is that the building up of something doesn't set it in stone.

And in this one, he's already in love and in relationship with Kanan... Everyone else is literally already a loser. He rejected Jeane for the bloody 3RD TIME!!!! (Twice in Demon world and once in this world). All of the other girls exist to just build up Kyogi x Kanan relationship so author is hopefully just stupidly using those girls to make Kanan more honest with her feelings. If he went and split them up to get him with Jeanne or the president or God forbid one of the sisters that will literally be proper NTR (they are in a relationship and his heart is won by another girl so he leaves Kanan for that girl...that's NTR) Impossibly unlikely given the genre and concept of this series. It was a rom com and now became a comedy rom + pseudo harem. Comedy none the less.. They even made that skit taking the piss of the NTR concept.

Anwy none of these two things is likely to happen: Proper harem ending or him splitting with Kanan and getting with another girl.

Not every series can be or needs to be "The 100 girlfriends that really really really really love you" or "Kanojo mo Kanojo".
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Dex-chan lover
Jul 5, 2020
Holy moly, it's Doomroar. We got the same tastes, huh :D
My take on the post I quoted is that the commenter was frustrated because what the manga is, and what he wants the manga to be are two different things. He wants it to be fully fleshed out with more characters, less reliance on old tropes, the mangaka easing up on the harem-stuff. I don't think that's what this particular manga wants to do. It's a gag manga which wants to focus on the feMC+MC with the side characters adding a little flavor on the side. Is it harem? Everyone seems to love the MC but the MC only loves Kanan, and I don't think anything will change that.

As for romance anime/manga in general, I believe that due to the constraints and conventions that the industry has put onto itself, the old 2000s romance anime with all the characters interacting with each other, having side stories and their own relationships is dead.
By constraints, I'm talking about the limits the industry puts onto itself so that we can't make old anime like we used to. 13eps per season kills a lot of adaptions. Some manga lives issue to issue via serialisations and forces mangaka to write less characters to keep their manga shorter.
By conventions, it's the rules the creators keep to. People would rather stick to tropes and plots that everyone is comfortable with, and they don't like to take risks. This is self-limiting and self-defeating, but I've seen some works which have tried to do things differently and they never get a second season, or they die off. People don't want to take the risk.

E: and now that I think about it, do people want these deep and meaningful romance stories? Because I look at the current landscape and I see isekai, harem, power-cultivation and OP-MCs and I think to myself that it reeks of entitlement. If there's going to be a female character in any story, readers want them lusting for the MC or else they're going to complain that it's NTR.
Sorry for the wall of text everyone, I have gone done it again. Choco banana pudding vanilla caramel creme brulee fruit whole shebang crepes for everyone! Doomroar's paying 👇
I don't think 13eps is that bad of a limit, Madoka and Lain were 12ep great series after all, and even longer series like Princess Tutu or Ergo Proxy had a whole big arc completed by the end of the first 13ep part. The problem is usually with authors creating tons of useless characters instead of fleshing out the core cast, and with adaptations going often too slow just to not overshot the preset ending point in manga.

With this series, the problem is also that harem is not only added later, after the most solid and funniest first chapters which were clearly about main couple and hadn't a whiff of harem, after which manga got constantly less funny, but it's also lazy. At least Kanan's family had a lot of different types of tropes - the horny mama like in Uzaki-chan, the bratty sister, who was literally mesugaki trope including spanking, the sister who had love-hate obsession with NTR - those were at least somewhat creative, while allowing main couple to progress as he gained the acceptance of her family. Harem tropes, on the other side, are just boring and designed only to prolong the series with obvious loser characters, and they don't even have good inter-character reactions - the girls are just jealous of each other and that's it. In poly harem like 100 kanojo girls can form friendly relations with each other, but with standard harem best one can get is shonen-like "we'll compete fairly and let the best one win" which is IMHO cop-out, but better than some alternatives.
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Aug 18, 2023
But if they did that how would lonely incel weebs project themselves onto the MC and feed their harem delusions and desperate facade smugness?
So specific. Is this projection? I don’t think anyone here thinks they’re the main character in this manga. That’s insane.
Dex-chan lover
Dec 25, 2019
So specific. Is this projection? I don’t think anyone here thinks they’re the main character in this manga. That’s insane.

I didn't say people here. I mean in general. It's well catalogued how much isekais, harem rom-coms, and chuuni power fantasies tend to be written in a way that encourages reader self-insert as an escapist fantasy (though not exclusively. These are just the most prominent genres/archetypes). The easiest way to do that is with a bland, generic, white bread protagonist who is generically nice, helpful, kind, and willing to stand up for what they believe in without being aggressive or belligerent (since that sort of behavior is often viewed negatively in Japan, where they prioritize social harmony and deference) and while usually showing incredible naivete or passivity with romantic interests (because the ideal fantasy for someone lacking confidence is to just be lucky enough that girls will fall all over themselves to appeal to the plainly nice and kind and unassertive protagonist).

I was also being a bit hyperbolic for effect. As I said before it was just a dumb joke.
Dex-chan lover
Jul 12, 2023
Anyone else get a craving for a Choco Banana Pudding Vanilla Caramel Creme Brulee Fruit Whole Shebang Crepe?

Just me?

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