Kanojo, Okarishimasu - Ch. 296 - The Children And The Girlfriend (5)

Fed-Kun's army
Jun 21, 2020
I also look forward to an anxiety-'free' future with something to 'live' for.
It's kind of wierd to see parts myself in Kazuya. Go me! Go Kazuya! cheer
Dex-chan lover
Aug 9, 2018
You may flip the point all you want, point fingers to readers and hide in your ivory tower, but all of that falls apart by the fact this manga has been going for the exact same for 300 chapters. Three hundred chapters with no real progress.
Don't mind Chrom. This guy has been huffing his own farts for too long. His bicycle helmet is strapped on a tad too tightly.

Chrom in his mind:

Chrom in real life:

Seriously Chrom. You think you believe you have these mic-dropping clap backs, but all you do is end up looking like some insufferable prig who likes some manga that you don't want to accept having objectively massive problems in terms of it's story and characters.
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Aggregator gang
Jan 17, 2023
It was a nice chapter. But it falls apart knowing he won't ever learn, remember o grow.

You may flip the point all you want, point fingers to readers and hide in your ivory tower, but all of that falls apart by the fact this manga has been going for the exact same for 300 chapters. Three hundred chapters with no real progress.

People are mad because no matter how much conflict, self reflection or people telling him the things directly to his face, Kazuya just will reset to his chapter 1 persona. This was a nice chapter, it had strong points, it looks like he is going to advance, but we all know this exact situation happened before. Next chapter the guy will forget anything he reflected here, and Chizuru is not better, she has a similar mindset of just resetting herself every arc. And then some fanservice festival. Rinse and repeat.

Not even Seo Kouji had the audacity to milk this formula to this level in Kimi no Iru Machi, and that was an infamous one because the end dragged for years.
I can see where you get that from Kazuya, he definitely doesn't hold true enough for readers to not be grouchy. Every. Week...

But you're definitely wrong on Chizuru and the fact I made points that draw to the plot and her storyline while you just said "she doesn't change" isn't very convincing.

Its literally you being emotionally upheaved by parts of the story that aren't going the way you perceive it in your head and then blinding yourself to further details because of said upheaveal.

So I go back to my original point as I often do when I comment on these threads. Why the circle-jerk hate-porn if all of you have every reason to dislike the main character and main heroine? Why subject yourself to something you dislike and can't find any positives in? What good is that serving your time on this planet other than the first question I asked in this paragraph?
Aggregator gang
Jan 17, 2023
Don't mind Chrom. This guy has been huffing his own farts for too long. His bicycle helmet is strapped on a tad too tightly.
Its hilarious how much of a coward you are by quoting me in roundabout ways and talking about me to others while not replying to me.

I may be wearing a helmet, (childish or overtly safe I'm assuming you're going at with this analogy... Ironic) but at least I'm not hiding in a corner making snide comments while nursing my bruised p***y like you are
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Double-page supporter
Mar 16, 2019
Its crazy when we get a good chapter people always trying to complained about Kazyua as if were not almost 300 chapters into the manga. Go read 100 girlfriends I like reading trash like this for fun, and people expecting masterpiece riding like Golden Time
Sep 5, 2023
Well, Finally I reached the recentmost chapter here of this manga.

We can all blame Kazuya and is slowiness and also the white knight character he has. As an Adult with a wife I can tell you the following:

1. A person raised like that was educated like that, he is not like that because he wanted to, he was raised like so. He has ingrained in his brain that his partner, whoever ends up being, somehow is a sacred woman with no flaws whatsoever.

1.a. On this regard you only discover the truth once you really have a girlfriend, and you really destroy the image of that whenever a first break up of a relationship happens. Mami does not count because she ends up being replaced by a more idealistic woman than her, giving the illusion to kazuya that he just had "bad luck" only with her.

2. A woman like that is... your typical woman. They take a lot of time to affront a huge responsibility like it is going out with kazuya. Chizuru probably knows that he is way too much of a man in its own right, but at this point she is not mature enough to understand and accept how Kazuya really is, which is, someone really devoted to a relationship. That is how woman are and in a sense... she is quite realistic.

2.a if kazuya were to really ask her for an answer now, she would feel "pressured"and she would end up telling him no. She also is aware that she can do this because she has UMI as backup. In fact, if this manga were slightly more realistic, she would have toons of backups for her, thus enabling for her behaviour to continue.

3. Ruka is annoying as hell, yes, she wants to give all to kazuya but that is not how relationships work. Much less the fact that people get used to relationships and she would loose that high heart bpm eventually as she gets accustomed to kazuya. Also, the moment she gets another interest that increases her hearth bpm she will get confused, as kazuya will not be anymore the only source for that.

4. The girl that does not talk is quite nice. But in my entire life and travelling across several countries, I'm yet to find a single person that reflects that behaviour. It would not make sense for them to easily go out, as they do not fit really well into society.

5. Somehow I'm surprised about the lady supporting kazuya, that in itself is diffferent from other mangas I have seen. It is quite refreshing and I hope the best for her ... (minus the social media references that she makes, I really dislike all of that)

6. Mami is just plain annoying, 10/10, would hate her again for life.
Aggregator gang
Jan 17, 2023
Don't mind Chrom. This guy has been huffing his own farts for too long. His bicycle helmet is strapped on a tad too tightly.

Chrom in his mind:

Chrom in real life:

Seriously Chrom. You think you believe you have these mic-dropping clap backs, but all you do is end up looking like some insufferable prig who likes some manga that you don't want to accept having objectively massive problems in terms of it's story and characters.
(Replying to your edited addendum that still hasn't addressed me directly because you're still a coward.)

I accept that I may seem insufferable to some on the internet, I simply have enough fortitude to not let it bother me so I don't become a caricature of myself in the long-term. I'm also wholly aware that I've lessened myself to your level in the hopes you may see your own childishness in my equivications. It may be fleeting but again, it may work to anothers benefit and I get some laughs out of it. So win-win for me
Fed-Kun's army
Sep 7, 2019
He said it, he said it

He's willing to wait 10, no, 20 years

While Choriputa is fugging Umi

Fucking hate this series
Jan 26, 2018
The fact you need to call for others proves my point. To also use quotations but put your own words in is wholy disingenuous as well. Technically calling yourself stupid all the while...

You can try to use my logic against me by bringing up irony, but to me it shows just how 1D and wrapped up in the emotions I invoked in you that you are
Well, that answers that.

I wasn't sure what was sadder - the possibility that you were just trolling but had invested this much time in it, or the possibility that you actually believed yourself and were unconscious of the sadly painful irony.

If you actually believe that was a "call for others" as opposed to pointing and laughing, there's no doubt. You do you, Simpzuya simp. 💪:dogewow:
Aggregator gang
Jan 17, 2023
Well, that answers that.

I wasn't sure what was sadder - the possibility that you were just trolling but had invested this much time in it, or the possibility that you actually believed yourself and were unconscious of the sadly painful irony.

If you actually believe that was a "call for others" as opposed to pointing and laughing, there's no doubt. You do you, Simpzuya simp. 💪:dogewow:
Again, you're 1D because you can't break away from the irony talking point I initially brought up and you're trying your damnedest (in the vaguest ways possible) to make me admit/understand that I'm being ironic. If you need to point the finger you're the one who should be pointing it at yourself. You wouldn't be trying so hard on the irony angle if it didn't cut you internally in such a deep way.

But to what you think is sad, that I don't care about because your feelings on me will never matter, I'll get to the story. I enjoy the story much like a bunch of people do since there has been continued support for it to have made it this far. You blind yourself to this factual reality because of the insulated bubble that this weekly thread brings you. You and yours cudgel any disagreeing sentiment down with poor tactics and peer-pressure and because its worked you're riding a high of superiority through group-think. You have a superiority complex about how much you hate something... That is without a doubt one of the saddest things I've encountered when it comes to manga and anime. In your free time, you actively seek out something you hate so you can continually complain about how much you hate it. Very sad. Very wasteful.
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Jan 26, 2018
Again, you're 1D because you can't break away from the irony talking point I initially brought up and you're trying your damnedest (in the vaguest ways possible) to make me admit/understand that I'm being ironic.
Not trying to do anything of the sort, brother. I'd have better luck trying to teach a fruit fly Latin than trying to make you understand anything you refuse to.
Aggregator gang
Jan 17, 2023
Not trying to do anything of the sort, brother. I'd have better luck trying to teach a fruit fly Latin than trying to make you understand anything you refuse to.
Everything you say is simply a derivative of something I've already said about you and the collective with an ample amount of dismissiveness.

I would've started this reply by asking, "why reply then?" But doing something for no reason (and speaking in a conclusively justified way) has been the entirety of your replies.

Deny and ignore anything that may hint at your failings. Just indignantly spiral downward in the hopes the other person will give up so you can perceive a false win. Incorrigible.
Jan 26, 2018
Everything you say is simply a derivative of something I've already said about you and the collective with an ample amount of dismissiveness.

I would've started this reply by asking, "why reply then?" But doing something for no reason (and speaking in a conclusively justified way) has been the entirety of your replies.

Deny and ignore anything that may hint at your failings. Just indignantly spiral downward in the hopes the other person will give up so you can perceive a false win. Incorrigible.
1) Projection.
2) It's really sad that you still live your life for "wins" by wearing people down until they give up on responding to you, and thus assume everyone else does too. "Winning" is empty when it comes at a cost for you and creates no net good in the world for anyone.
3) Boredom, to be honest. But don't worry, it's mostly worn off already and soon you can win again by throwing mud around until everyone gives up on responding to you as useless. (As your track record demonstrates.) I have better things to do than throw lessons I've learned over the years at the feet of someone who will just stomp all over it with their muddy little hooves. Pearls before swine, indeed.
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Aggregator gang
Jan 17, 2023
1) Projection.
2) It's really sad that you still live your life for "wins" by wearing people down until they give up on responding to you, and thus assume everyone else does too. "Winning" is empty when it comes at a cost for you and creates no net good in the world for anyone.
3) Boredom, to be honest. But don't worry, it's mostly worn off already and soon you can win again by throwing mud around until everyone gives up on responding to you as useless. (As your track record demonstrates.) I have better things to do than throw lessons I've learned over the years at the feet of someone who will just stomp all over it with their muddy little hooves. Pearls before swine, indeed.
1) Substantiate.
2) Address anything I've called you out for on sadness before you move the goalpost again. Poor tactic. Coupled with you trying to (again) use my talking points against me. Will this one be your focus?
3) I already said "doing something for no reason" in relation to you so this being your longest section reply once again shows how right on the money I was/am. You may have "learned" the lessons by letting them go in one ear but application is the highest of your weak suits so "heard of" might be the words you wanted to use there.

P.S. People don't reply (or reply in roundabout ways to flex their perceived superiority) because their inability to refute the factuality I bring up, coupled with my inability to falter against their goalpost moving by keeping them on track to the original point I made, makes them perceive a loss. But instead of feeling the loss, they dig into the ego they've developed through the group-dynamic this thread brings them and regurigate what their betters have already stated.

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