Kanojo, Okarishimasu - Vol. 18 Ch. 152 - The Girlfriend and Lies (Part 5)

Jun 3, 2020
Sigh... I expected nothing, and I'm still disappointed.

Chizuru might be the most emotionally constipated character I've come across in a long time. She needs to spend some of that hard earned girlfriending money to sit down with a therapist and work through the trauma that has led her to repressing and compartmentalizing her personality and emotions. I mean, this entire story revolves around the fact that she secretly took a job as a professional girlfriend to fund her acting school tuition, which is just coping mechanism for her to process the trauma of losing her grandfather. Meanwhile, Kazuya is finally getting his shit together, but he hasn't realized the true immensity of the progress that he's made because he has associated that progress with the affections of Chizuru, who is incapable of forming any real relationship because she is so completely detached from her own emotions. He may view it as "strength" or "professionalism," but at the end of the day, she is drowning herself in her own emotional baggage and doing terrible damage to her psyche.

Watch, next thing we see they're going to break up for real, she is going to get famous for her film; then we timeskip 7 years into the future into a hellscape where Kazuya is divorced from Mami, never gets to see his kids, any cash he made from the film he has to pay out in child support, and Chizuru is dead from an OD. That would be the darkest timeline.
Jul 27, 2020
So grandma died? We keep on the hospital and no progress, but i want to keep reading It
Dex-chan lover
Sep 3, 2019
yep, i expected this.

even all this time, chizuru still has her emotional barriers up around the person who went as far to make a film for her dying grandmother. i can't even tell who to be more mad at at this point.

at least i'll keep reading in case sumi shows up again or something
Jul 29, 2020
Thanks translator team.

@darara Yes.

@penizz Nope. I'm also angry at Mizuhara. Since moviemaking arc she acts more and more indifferent, making Kazuya total simp (earlier she cared more). And when Kazuya wants to end this (tell gran the truth before it's too late), she's not making any moves (end or confession) and keeps Kazuya around. And about supporting... He offers it, but "no, thanks, i'm fine". Kazuya pushed more than enough (keeping promises, offers help), but she acts totally cold without any signal (any more pushing can be just offensive if she's actually don't like Kazuya).

@Over_Analytic Too de(e/r)p. I don't think she is detached from her emotions completely. It's just very complicated relationships with Kazuya. For her he is more than a client, neighbor, friend, partner in crime (she is also lying to her gran), but not enough to be lover. And soon lies will end. So, who is Kazuya for her when there is no need to lie (1 gran RIP, movie goal done, Kazuya wants to stop faking relationships )? That is the question (imho). And author gives no clue - now it's like Kazuya to her is nobody without girlfriend/boyfriend lie.

At this point, this is a story of Kazuya's suffering.
Mami gave him initial trauma and complicated his life after dumping.
Mizuhara stopped him from ending this relationships several times. And it's not like she love him now, but keeps him around anyway.
Ruka gave him more troubles because "adrenaline junkie".
Mini - troubles, help, forcefully connecting him and Mizuhara for more suffering (Mizuhara be like "want hear that from him anyway, don't care about what he is thinking", Kazuya be like "welp, I'm done, can I leave her already? no? okay...").
Sumi... He's too dense and busy with other troublemakers.

Who cares about Kazuya? All of them "cares".
Mami wants to see him suffer. (Maybe it's proof she cared a little).
Mizuhara wants him around when she needs something. (Well, she saved him also).
Ruka wants to generate more heartbeating spicy situations with him and stops when situation can lead to breakup. (Maybe she also wants him as a normal boyfriend, she tried to fairly compete with "fake" Mizuhara).
Mini wants to play with Kazuya and Mizuhara. (She also wants to help, but result is bad).
Sumi maybe wants unrequited love thing. (She likes Kazuya, but can't be blunt about it and it's not like she's head over heels for him).

First 80 chapters... Good times (sip), good pacing, wanted more. Now no hope for a good ending, any ending will do.
Dec 5, 2019
Anddddd I already lost all my hope in this.

All that build up... for this.

Alright then.

Guess now I'll just wait for Sumi to appear again.
Power Uploader
Jun 30, 2018
Okay this chapter is obviosly showing how author both, downgrades mc's iq and plays same old motherfucking trick to "big meaningfull arc back end and they are back to square 1" from the time I caught up with ongoing, this is so undewhelming.
Mami needs to come back
And do what? The only meaningful person that would've been "hurt" is dead now.

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