Kanojo, Okarishimasu - Vol. 21 Ch. 179 - The Girlfriend and the Tiger’s Den (Part 4)

Sep 7, 2020
Anyone play fgo jp? I'm looking for archer nobus

On an unrelated note,
"I smell a major development next chapter"
You must have covid cause your sense of smell is garbage.
Jan 26, 2018
First, to all: I really like @HalfCanadian's thoughtful post, and I'm misrepresenting a partial quote. But I couldn't resist the chance to respond to one of its hypothetical clauses, thus:

if this series wanted to teach it's readers a healthy lesson on how to treat women and develop relationships

(The fuller quote for context, plus a belated clarification)
So Sumi wins the Kazuya sweepstakes, if this series wanted to teach it's readers a healthy lesson on how to treat women and develop relationships. But we all know that this is not going to happen.

Edit: Adding a coda to the quote, for clarity. I would not only agree with, but amplify on HC's observation that KanoKari is extremely unlikely to give any healthy lessons wrt relationships. KanoKari is more like... if the Internet classic humor Joelogon's Foolproof Guide to Making Any Woman Your Platonic Friend had actually been written as serious advice. Or like some Nice Guy's response video to this incisive essay that lays out why often, Nice Guys (to women) really, really aren't.
Jan 4, 2021
@HalfCanadian The reality is more painful and grotesque than you can imagine, Didn't that streamer called Jinny got into a "scandal" because she secretaly dated, fucked and i don't know what else, with her big sponsor ? some Swedish guy who donated 40k.

While is right to say that she can go out with anyone, but you make out with whom donated that sum of money, can legit create the claim of prostitution.
Jan 24, 2021
@Yuriglutton : It's not prostitution and it's a lot older than streamers. It didn't even start with Harvey Weinstein, though he's the most popular example nowadays.

A lot of the time in entertainment, or any employment setting, a woman might sleep with someone or some people to either climb the ladder or keep her job.

It may be that her boss is abusing his power to coerce her into sex for her to get promoted or to keep her job and not be fired. It may also be that the woman herself is using sex without coercion to secure a raise or promotion. If you want to have this rather depressing conversation, the MRAs and feminists would be more than glad to destroy your head with it.

This could be the situation Umi presented Mizuhara with on the talk shortly preceding her grabbing Kaz and leaving the party. Mizuhara as an individual doesn't seem like the type who would go within twenty miles of this. She's talented, beautiful, and resourceful, and in her case, if presented with this situation, she'd simply walk. As for Sumi, the sort of girl she is, if she even smelled the prospect of sexual coercion in a job, she'd never go near it.

With rental girlfriends, the structure of Diamond as a company seems to draw a lot more on the Japanese geisha. I am by no means an expert on this, but they seem to be experts on companionship and conversation. They may sometimes choose to sleep with the client, but rarely, and that is not the center of their job. Japan's attitude towards this is weird. The documentary I watched had an elderly couple being interviewed together, and the wife literally said to the camera: "If he slept with another woman, I would be furious. But if it was a geisha, I would be okay with it." Her husband was right there. A geisha's client may provide her with something as lavish as a condo -- and the geisha, due to her profession, will never disclose who it was. It seems to be a very high skill job needing class and discretion. So, I think that's where the whole rental girlfriend comes from.
Nov 22, 2020

If people wanted to learn a thing or two about girls, then they would get out of their moms basement complaining about Kazuya adn they would also grow a pair of testicles
Jan 24, 2021
@HalfCanadian : I think it would be a good idea to keep American politics out of these comments. American public discourse right now is on a level of pleasantry somewhere between a root canal without anesthesia and getting a rusty nail hammered into one's penis.
Jan 26, 2018
@Revenant62 American public discourse right now is on a level of pleasantry somewhere between a root canal without anesthesia and getting a rusty nail hammered into one's penis.

There's one critical difference: The standard treatment for prolonged exposure to American political discourse is an SSRI and/or a non-benzodiazepine anti-anxiety agent, not a tetanus shot. (^_~)

More seriously, back to your original point: Economic sexual coercion is definitely one of the world's oldest evils. The Jungle (1906) gave a vivid description that should leave no doubt in anyone's mind, how wise it is to give male employers massive power to dictate the welfare of their employees and their families.
Mar 6, 2021

The problem with that ending is that Sumi and Kazuya have no build up. I agree that they would make a good pairing, bit you cant have an ending that wasn't built up to. Kazuya and Chizuru is the only paring in this series that has had build up, and contrary to what you said Chizuru does like him romantically. This is the only proper ending the series can have because its the only relationship that was built up to the past 180 chapters.

Look at domestic girlfriend, they built up to a certain pairing for the last 100-200 chapters, took a dump on all of it and the reaction was not good. 99% of the people I see hate the domestic girlfriend ending cause this is what happens when you build up to something toss it out the trash.
Jan 26, 2018

Good point about subverted expectations. "Will X protect the author's livelihood?" is a completely different question from "Is X realistic, healthy, and/or the author's desire?".

Personally, I still cling to my crack theory about DomeKano: After the incident where some Hinatistas flung their fanon and threats all over As-Expected-Of-sensei's Twitter, she concocted the simple-but-subtle revenge of giving them exactly what they wanted as mockery*. And she'd already made enough money by then, that she didn't have to care.

* - All the more poignant because they loved it, but everyone else could see the way she crafted it made no sense except to give them shallow satisfaction. Like telling an adult who's throwing a tantrum that they can have what they want, using the same sickly-sweet voice you'd use for a bratty toddler who has to be humored.
Mar 6, 2021

Realistic? No, but this story never was realistic. That's why its fiction.
Healthy? Debatable. I personally think there relationship is good, but I see other dont share that perspective
Authors desire? Certainly, there have been many statements/signs to suggest that the author favours the chizuru pairing over the other. He's said the story was about them afterall.

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