Kanzen Kaihi Healer no Kiseki - Vol. 1 Ch. 1 - This Healer is Useless

Double-page supporter
Jan 1, 2019
Would be great if they somehow reverse the trope, so that a stat of 1 in ATK is too low to cut a tree or a chewy. sinewy piece of meat. Or that he's trying to pay someone with coins and he dumps them all over the counter, because he misses the other's open hand or something.

So far it looks like the typical, run of the mill isekai RPG manga, which are a dime a dozen.
Active member
Nov 2, 2018
>pretentious , know it all King and bishop

If you wonder why the king and the bishop act like that, just look up in the mirror.
They are after all, the personification of most Isekai manga comment page poster.
Dex-chan lover
Oct 19, 2018
He's minmaxing from the start... and it's not even a dream, but a real life isekai... how daring.
And the King looked like an orc.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 10, 2019
I want to see them try to assassinate him as he sleeps now, and are unable to hit him because he keeps rolling around. Lol.
Dex-chan lover
Nov 8, 2018
ugh, i love isekai stories but it seems the authors have a poll and pick the tropes from there
Dex-chan lover
Dec 10, 2018
I mean, he's a bit dumb... Everyone knows in games (that he claims to play), that all bosses have AoEs. No matter how much evasion you have, you can't evade everything. But nope, he just dumps all his points into evasion like a dumb mc... However, it'll work out because he's the mc and there wouldn't be a series if he died.
Dex-chan lover
Dec 18, 2018
Should it not have occurred to the king and idiot official to ask what his starting stats were, all they asked was class (which they assumed from his mumbling) and what he dumped his stats into. My guess is they want disposable soldiers, I mean imprisoning him for making a bad choice, that even if it was bad level up bonuses could correct before it really matters is just plain idiotic.

@firosahoge :Yes, but you normally level up alot before fighting those bosses. Evasion is a good star for the start, as long as it is not the only one he bumps on level ups.
Dex-chan lover
Dec 10, 2018
Should it not have occurred to the king and idiot official to ask what his starting stats were, all they asked was class (which they assumed from his mumbling) and what he dumped his stats into. My guess is they want disposable soldiers, I mean imprisoning him for making a bad choice, that even if it was bad level up bonuses could correct before it really matters is just plain idiotic.
I agree that the officials and the king are even more dumb than him.

Yes, but you normally level up alot before fighting those bosses. Evasion is a good star for the start, as long as it is not the only one he bumps on level ups.
True, but with his 1 strength, who knows how long it'll take for him to kill a slime if need be. He could have saved the points and did experiments as need be, but nope, he dumped all 50 into evasion as soon as he got it. Very impulsive and dumb. Idk if we'll get an "author is dumb, so all characters are dumb" situation.
Dex-chan lover
Dec 18, 2018
So I just read far enough to the webnovel to see the elf on the cover's stats
ch 30, she is level 18 with a total of 38 (33 attack, the rest 1) and from his in the same chapter it looks like item buffs are included so she probably started with attack in the 10-15 range and the other 5 as 1. I get the feeling most healers are defensive gear and (almost) every stat point in recovery.
The arrogant idiots assumed that their base stats were in line with the rest of their world and possibly the same growth rate, just look at the guards reactions and how the were saying put everything into healing the possibility that his healing is already strong enough does not even enter their heads. It also feels like their society puts no value in avoidance/evasion (I mean as is it is not a primary stat no one is ever mastering it)
Every adventurer party wants a healer, but as soon as they hear he is an evasion healer they are basically "get lost". No one asks how good his healing is, or how well he can evade. It seems like they want a pure healing build, and do not realize how strong 50+ evasion is in their wold.
Also when the other 2 heroes are about to leave on their quest someone (I think the idiot official) had 3 knights ambush him and get rid of him (since once hey leave town they no longer need him alive to placate the heroes) but the knights can not connect anything they just call him stupid/incompetent/etc and complain about how he is moving.

@firosahoge : most games also have the party share experience, of grant it for doing your jobs role. Heck even if it is a killing blow gets at the EXP, it would not be to hard to have a guard weaken the mobs first and let him land the last blow until he gains a few levels and/or an attack skill. Something with a trivially obvious workaround is not a case of him being dumb. It should be natural to assume there is some way he can still level, and he is not as dumb as you think. Maybe he should have asked questions, but he had enough awareness to know that the people answering are NOT trustworthy, and this is an RPGverse where he is applying knowledge and the min/maxed build from(MMO)RPGs. He is making a gamble yes, but since master level evasion is more useful for everything other then 1 corner case where he would be safely in the rear, and likely equipped up the wazoo, it is a good choice for starting.

Plus people are allowed to have gaps in their logic, someone who never makes any mistakes is not a human character, but a extremly unrealistic "Supergenius" Mary Sue robot. People use heuristics (i.e. common sense) all the time so they can make decisions in second rather then spend hours upon hours analyzing every minute detail , and it is extremely habit forming.

Plus the question you need to ask is was he summoned at random, or was their some guiding principle or force behind his selection. If it was a guiding force that would man his instincts/intuition are likely a part of the reason, and his instincts are saying evasion.
Dex-chan lover
Dec 10, 2018
@sjmcc13 he's way too impulsive to put all his points in evasion before even experiencing a battle. There's no need to defend how dumb that is. How does he know how much points he'll get per level up and how hard it is to level up in the first place? What if the so-called party system doesn't even exist? He knows nothing about the world yet and yet he already invested his most precious resource in something that he doesn't know will pay dividends. It WILL work out because he's the MC, but that doesn't stop it from being dumb.
Fed-Kun's army
Jan 6, 2019
Holy shit, the subordinates of that powermongering king are probably the most useful ones in any of the isekai-please-murder-someone out there.
Dex-chan lover
Nov 16, 2018
going a full stat build is pretty dumb until you understand the system, there are plenty of differences in games, in one game evasion might be total dogshit and in another completely op. though his logic makes sense.

also i guess this king is planning on just literally enslaving them? i would assume the idea of asking summons for help goes out the window when you decide to imprison one of them for no reason, but this is a japanese manga so you can never count out the weakling can't-say-no attitude

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