Kanzen Kaihi Healer no Kiseki - Vol. 1 Ch. 1 - This Healer is Useless

Dex-chan lover
Jan 19, 2018
Yup. Pretty much cognitive-dissonance galore all around.
"50 points is considered OP, so instead of dumping it, say, into DEF, which would make an OP-tank that cannot be hurt by anything, I chose to dump it into OP-reflexes, for reasons."

Makes absolutely no fucking sense, and people made more than enough cases as to why that is...But the art is decent, so what the fudge. More isekai crap.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 18, 2018
The logic of dumping everything on evasion is dumb as fuck. Basically he can get one shotted if his rng is shit.
Dex-chan lover
Nov 2, 2018
Im a gamer myself.. and dumping them all into evasion isnt bad. Survivabiliy as a healer. But it could also depend on his spells. Could he have used magic stat ? for light magic offense skills? Does magic stat work on crowd control skills? Did he actually need magic for the power of his heals?, Assuming hes assessed hes healing skills are already pretty good and he can heal anything.. Evasion and defense are the best stats to go at this point.

Only complaint you can make, is if the magic stat also effective mana pool. Or is that what recovery is ? Mana recovery ? Their was nothing to show what effects HPs. Otherwords health. Defense usually means armor / damage resist. I am used to seeing a vitality or constitution stat for health.

As it stands he had 100 in Recovery, So I dont get the kings over reaction.

@Xoldin Not really, rogues tend to go high evasion over armor. hence are in light armor. It also make sense for a healer to go the same route
Group Leader
Dec 28, 2018
This reaction seems EXTREMELY exaggerated and over the top. It's not the end of the world if you put 50 points in a seemingly wrong stat. Going 50 points into evasion and it actually being 100% just seems stupid OP, where is the counter stat Accuracy!? How is he going to dodge AOE, does he run faster than a sonic blast wave? considering he has 1 defense, he is a one-hit KO.
It's also unusual that no one tried it beforehand (rogues and other evasion required roles), they did say there are other masters at 50+...
Aggregator gang
Mar 5, 2019
Well I can give a few examples here. in games where you have full control of characters, spectacle fighters for example, its 100% possible with enough evasion to never get hit, I think this is a more realistic basis for an irl scenario also, of his options, you have strength, which is obvious, defense which is far less so, accuracy which is more sight and nerve based, magic which as the healer you likely wont be casting spells, or evasion which in an rpg that doesn't have agility, means agility.

Now, Irl, sure great defense may save you from an aoe, at least if the aoe isn't telegraphed or target based, but think of it this way, one bad hit in one bad location will take you out, poison could infect and debilitate before you get the chance to cure it, and as the healer, you don't need tank, you need to live though the attack, you also have irl logic like you have armor, plate will always be better than skin no matter what in terms of defense, and if you go magic world, the idea that armor can easily supercede personal stats isn't unreasonable along with potential buffs. the only games I have ever played where aoes are completely unavoidable are turn based strategy and gear check mmos, and there is the big one, gear check. In every mmo I play they have gear checks, not did you distribute your points at level 1 or level 100+ correctly, but do you have the gear to not die to this crap. granted in the longest lived mmo I play I go higher defense over evasion just because they made evasion to overpowered and the only way to check it is to give it a cap that can never reach 100, where as armor can always take stronger enemy attacks but that's a game mechanic they made because evasion was too op, table top games on the other hand, I play a good number of them were evasion could easily be king.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 19, 2018
I was trying to make a point by saying that, if 50 points make anything OP, it shouldn't really matter where you put it. OP is OP, period.
And any, or at least most, forms of problems you can find in one stat, can easily be negated by an author fix. Here I go: "the MC inhaled poison? No matter, his high DEF also raises his body's constitution against ailments. Fixed."
You can come up with all sorts of bullshit, and every one-trick-pony will eventually encounter something that they cannot counter. That is the problem with over-specialization. Like how mages are usually very squishy.

P.S: I forgot this story was about a god-like healer. So, yeah. DEF all the way. No matter what he gets hit by, he probably can just auto-regen everything immediately.
Aggregator gang
Mar 5, 2019
@Solipsist depends. let's take poison for instance. id defence is covering everything from physical resistance to magic and ailment resistance, then it would probably be key to taking less damage, however in most rpgs I played, well... all that i can remember, something like poison was a stat check to see if you were poisoned, but if you got poisoned you took full damage. there also is no obvious hp stat, so either that got raised by strength, defense, or it doesn't get raised.

now, as a character who SHOULD be in the middle of it, you need to live though the attacks, defense is obvious.
as a caster or healer who should be in range for the heal but out of range for everything else, evasion makes more sense.

for a manga example, took at tanaka the wizard's dragon fight, me and my friend will joke when we play games that I have mana you aint dying, because that's realistically what the cleric in the game is, if it has mana you aren't going to die. here is the big difference though, in a good number of tabletop games, you roll to see if you screw up or if you crit, with a high enough evasion, you realistically cant get hit by nearly anything else while with defense, you are getting hit all the time, its just a matter of how sever the damage is. in fact, if memory serves, d&d's defense system, at least though ad&d acted more like evasion then defense where you would just not get hit if your defense was high enough.

I think i'm losing the topic a bit, tldr unless mc purposefully goes after something way above his pay grade, he should realistically never get hit, and as long as poison/ailments does not instantly kill, he has mana to stay alive.
Dex-chan lover
Apr 6, 2018
Wow. Lots of a people berating the evasion healer build. I think it's fine.
I mean, it's obviously gonna work out, but I agree it was a rash decision considering you don't know the system of the world. Different games favor different stats, so going all-in on any specific stat without knowing how the game works is reckless at best. And honestly, if anyone should go for evasion, it should be the Hero who probably has a respectable starting defense as a safety net.

On the other hand, I can buy his rationale. In the thick of battle, a typical healer's most valuable resource is time and MP. If you take damage and need healing, then you're taking away attention that could be devoted to the characters you're supporting by healing yourself.
In actual games evasion tanks are risky because they're vulnerable to RNG. But applied to real life, this is firstly a proficiency you have control over, so random luck isn't as relevant. And besides that, it's usually a better idea to avoid getting hurt instead of just tanking and recovering from it-it's kind of insane to go into battle where the official plan is for you to recover from the brink of death all the time.

Anyway, I'm fairly hooked as far as Isekai go. I hope the other heroes stay on good terms with MC. If I were in his shoes, I'd probably consult with them and give a brief crash course on builds to help them make their decisions.


Dex-chan lover
May 28, 2019
I think he's being quite rational. It's the only stat he can max out on it's own without maxing out anything else. If he increases his attack, he'd need to increase his evasion and accuracy. Increasing defense means you still suffer damage, just the more you increase the more you can take a hit. Why even bother increasing that if you can just evade.

His recovery stat is off the chart: I assume recovery isn't just physical but poison as well, so if he's immune to poison and can never be hit, he's more or less untouchable. But if I was him I'd probably dump half the points into magic to gain some immunity to "charm" or other mental attacks.
Apr 12, 2018
@Meo Now the real question is... does that automatic evading does anything for his reflexes? Because my spine is aching just thinking about how it would "automatically" force you to dodge everything.
Dex-chan lover
Aug 20, 2018
did everyone just casually forget he dumped 50 points into evasion right after he was thrown into jail for the very same reason?
Aug 8, 2018
I can understand wanting for evasion, but what will happen if someone manages to hit him? I mean, all his stats exept for recovery is 1, then he raised his evasion at 51, and others at 1. If by some chance he encounters an enemy who can bypass his evasion, he's dead in 1 hit. I guess the author will not do that. LOL

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