But she STILL doesn't really care about anything other than Shidou. Look how quickly she lashes out Notomo. Regardless of their history or the apparent "feelings" she has for him (that scene after the time skip where Hitomi was "jealous" Notomo was with another brute), Hitomi can, has, and would've tried to kill Notomo again if Shidou hadn't told her not to. She hasn't grown her "concern" at all, rendering this whole reveal pointless. If she had for a second hesitated, then maybe I could accept shidou's reasoning, but she is just as thoughtless and slavishly devoted to him as ever.
Obviously not aiming this at you, it's just frustrating how hard the author is trying to retard Hitmoi's character arc to set up this dumb "love" triangle. Even worse, trying to redeem Shidou!? How the hell is he remorseful, he barely explained himself! How is this not entirely his fault? It's one thing if a competent author was trying to depict an abusive co-dependent relationship, I could accept your reading. But this is just a bad plot twist, a heel turn for no other reason other than supposed drama.
I'm a simple man, I enjoy trash manga, I read every isekai like the nasty little piggy that I am. But I HATE when bad writers try to elevate their schlock with convoluted drama. They can't do it, and shouldn't try. Tits, ass and blood is all these books should aspire to.