Well, in the end, both translations wrote "Eruza" instead of "Elsa".
While it may be understandable for a speed-translation made by a (I assume) newcomer, it's hard to justify for a group that's been translating this series for far longer and had already spelled the name as "Elsa" in the past (see chapter 10 page 31).
Just saying.
Despite my complaining, I'm actually quite happy about the translation. I also don't see much wrong about the previous speed translation. It may have been low quality and full of mistakes, but I've seen far, far worse, believe me.
Things like: https://mangadex.org/manga/3226/melty-blood-x
It's hard to fault any translation after seeing that kind of shit. If you leave "moshi moshi" and "neko" in the translation, you might as well just release the raws instead.