Kingdom - Ch. 792 - Evacuation Detail

Dex-chan lover
Jun 14, 2023
Friendly reminder, that Riboku may have also invented time and/or space travel, since....

He managed to get his entire entourage into that earth fort, then get ALL of them and himself out, in a single, narrow underground passage where only a few men can fit at a time, get out, get back on a horse, get to his HQ and start directing the battle again, all the while Shin is (last we saw) still at that same fucking fort, being mad that the trickster who tricks people on a regular basis tricked him again
Dex-chan lover
Mar 12, 2019
Ousen better have something cooking because he's falling pretty hard in my rankings smfh. RIP to Akou.
Dex-chan lover
Sep 26, 2018
this series is actually so fucking bad to read week to week like it's so painful reading some dumb short bullshit each week. at least when you read the entire thing at once it's less of spending months where ousen is just sitting there on his horse silently while armies teleport around the battlefield
Active member
Apr 12, 2018
Is Ousen having a stroke or is it like an actual scarecrow/shadow clone
Dude has gone past autistic and it's getting surreal, has he gone into shock?
Fed-Kun's army
Aug 22, 2018
Where the fuck are the main characters of this manga?? It has been months now..
Dex-chan lover
May 2, 2023
Anotherone bites the dust. I hope that Ousen has some Riboku's tier plan because in the last chapters he only stands glaring in front of the "best" army of the "best" city trying to kill him
Double-page supporter
Nov 6, 2023
Reading the comments, I'm wondering if Ousen is actually similar to King from One Punch Man. He just stays silent, let everyone yap, and suddenly became one of the most powerful general in his era. Mission failed successfully that kind of thing.

Dex-chan lover
Mar 4, 2020
Am I the only one who thought that there's practically nothing happening in the past few chapters? Qin has been in a pinch for god know how long (20+ chapters, I assume? Too lazy to check) but Riboku has yet to bring them down. That's a fucking long stalemate I have ever seen.

And when we last saw Shin? Last I checked, he was supposed to be a main protagonist but he has been absent for many chapters already.

I feel like the author just pumped out chapters to fulfill his weekly quota instead of telling story at this point.
May 1, 2018
General Ousen actually had a heart attack and died dozens of chapters ago and now they're just Weekend at Bernie's-ing his body around.
Double-page supporter
Dec 20, 2018
3rd chapter in a row where every page is people yelling at Ousen to leave while he just stands there in autistic silence
If there is no recall to this scene to explain his thoughts or emotions on the matter, it may as well be literal autistic silence.
Oct 16, 2018
Maybe Heki should've been made a great general instead of Ousen. He seems more competent at this point. Where's the military mastermind that they've been hyping.
Aug 11, 2024
Ousen didn’t lose? Akou what the heck, your general has done nothing but stare blankly ahead while refusing to heed the counsel of everyone in his entourage. People beg him for a word, anything, and he even refuses to do as much.

He is, without a doubt, a fraud. Duke Hyou seemed much more impressive despite being an instinctual general: he seemed to at least use and execute strategies.

Meanwhile, this so-called paragon of intelligence has no ability to see through any ruses no matter how obvious, and his entire strategy thus far has been “let my officers do what they want.”
it feels more of hara needing zhao to win than ousen being a fraud, in previous wars we saw him take into account how rain could slightly fatigue his soldiers march. Make strategies on the fly and even during the coalition with the feinted retreat into the mountains completely outsmarting i believe it was the yan commander ordo that repelled the riboku army from reaching qins capital. But right here it feels as if in hango Hara wanted to Zhao to win so he reduced all of that to blank stare ousen.

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