@Archit12 Oh please, men have it so much worse. Women are the cause for such systems. Read history.
In fact, history is repeating, and such times will be returning soon.
Marriage was originally used as a binding. Women use to value marriage as men could not get out of it without bring reprimanded.
In our modern times, marriage is now used by women, to abuse men. Men are avoiding marriage now due to this abuse, which is becoming common knowledge with statistics to back it up.
2000 years ago, there was no welfare systems like we have now. Nor was there automation and other technology that we have now. Women willingly went into marriage because they could not work or express power as men can.
The society/government back then would force a man to remember his vows and provide for the woman/women when married while also forcing the women to keep the vow.
However, now the government forces a man to keep his vow, but gives pass to the woman.
Can you imagine the trauma to have your father taken from you while your mother goes and betrays your father? It's unspeakable. In fact it's an atrocity that will lead to war.
As for the other commenters, we see Leon's personality in many HAPAs today. Not just HAPAs, but also what some Black Americans call "light skins".
Yautja is right in certain aspects, the story and setting don't match up. This backstory/history of Leon is forced, and doesn't feel genuine to anybody that was expecting a good story backed without any overly forced tropes and cliches.
Regardless of the authors intent, the replication and parallels are overblown but better than most plots/motives nonetheless. I applaud thee.