Kissmanga has kissed goodbye to their servers: Refugees welcome!

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Mar 11, 2019
All this is making me scared mangadex is next, time to copy my manga list here somewhere physical
Active member
Sep 24, 2018
Thank God i saved my bookmarks this month here and on manganelo when kissmanga started deleting some of their adult manga this past month ,saved for being a pervert , my bookmarks dodged a bullet there
Jun 28, 2018
Is there anyway to turn mangadex into dark mode? Literally the only reason i used kissmanga over mangadex is because mangadex is so blinding
Active member
Sep 24, 2018
@Drajzool click on settings ,its the wheel icon and you will find it "site theme " ,there's 7 different ones you can chose from
Dex-chan lover
Sep 10, 2018
ki$$manga and ki$$anime can ki$$ my a$$ .

for anime , i use this ad-free , torrent site :

Previously , I posted my comments on ki$$manga , but now I move to this great site mangadex because ki$$manga is a fukking pirate site .

But even though ki$$manga is a pirate site , it has some noble(????) rules , policies , principles , like :

- The ki$$manga moderators can permanently block users on their whims because they think banning is fun , without any reasons whatsoever , and without any kind of warnings before banning . WHAT ? A fukking pirate site has noble mods ???? and after banning , these bratty ki$$manga mods have the nerves to mock the users .

- No spoilers of later chapters . But the problem is that the fukking stupid ki$$manga mods cant distinguish between spoilers and guessings/predictions of later chapters . Their policy is "Block first , ask questions later" .

- Do not mention other great manga site , like mangadex . Or even posting a website link will guarantee a permanent block from ki$$manga site .
Double-page supporter
Jul 10, 2018
Yeah! Now I remeber why i used to save all of my reading stuff on my hard drive. Time to start doing it again.
Most powerful member of the GFG
Super Moderator
Feb 16, 2020
The only thing i won't like is when we get another offline period where the servers have to be shut down for a while due to the amount of people pouring in.
Fed-Kun's army
Apr 2, 2018
When will they get mangago tho. I kid, I don't want any more sites to go down for the time being. Since MD is still pretty rocky, with these amount of users at least. Slave servers pls live.

Anyways welcome refugees. Hope you guys don't have that hard a time adjusting. Enjoy.
Dex-chan lover
May 3, 2018
I never use Kissmanga at all so for me nothing of value is lost, but I usually use Kissanime to watch anime (esp when i don't want to burden my HDD) so i kinda sad Kissanime dead.

However i just found another site with "Kiss-Anime" address. Wonder if it still have some connection with KissAnime?
Dex-chan lover
Nov 18, 2018
I didn't really like the Kiss sites, but it's still a little sad to see them go.

However i just found another site with "Kiss-Anime" address. Wonder if it still have some connection with KissAnime?
Probably not official, I wouldn't recommend visiting it.
Apr 1, 2018
I'm glad I came over here way before the sh*t storm years ago. Also
Apparently there's a report saying these pirate sites causes their publishers to lose 300 billion yen. So they decided to shut them down. LMAO

Do they not realize those people wouldn't even bother considering buying from these publishers to begin with. Not to mention, these "pirate" sites actually serve as an entry point for fans all over the world. It acts as a free advertisements for these publishers that they would otherwise have to pay for.

They aren't losing money from these sites, they are going to lose more money without these sites, most specially when the current series from those publishers' ends, because their new and obscure series which normally gets discovered in the internet (thanks to these pirates sites) are no longer gonna be available for the rest of the world. If they want it known, they are gonna have to pay to make it popular enough to sell. Heck I pay for One Piece merchandise even though I was just initially a freaking pirate( I still pirate a lot of stuff, but I support if I actually like the series, like buying CD soundtracks specially if they have good music, but I mostly discover those series from pirate sites)

For example, most of the series getting serialized and animated were web novels, which are free to read. Imagine web novels from obscure authors are paid to read, barely anyone would give a sh*t checking those novels, specially with how much their authors use cliche genre's, setting, characters and stuff that they have so much generic and trash stories out there.

If anything, the yearly increasing revenue(yeah big shit, they are actually earning more with every year passing) from the anime/manga industry is likely going to take a hit for the coming years with their increasingly tightening hold from piracy.

Anyway, I don't wanna get too heated in an argument about piracy and stuff, but if all free manga/anime hosting sites shuts down, a lot of people wouldn't be able to discover obscure series like "I reincarnated as a vending machine" or some other obscure sh*t people read for kicks.
Dex-chan lover
Sep 26, 2018
still remember the few years I've been there before they just start showing d*ck ads everywhere and got banned for telling how to bypass it 🙄 glad I transferred all my bookmarks here since then 😁
Active member
Feb 24, 2020
Nah, 99% of the Manga reading community are pretty good as we all share a common interest. Had I not found sites like Kissmanga and this I would not have been able to experience even a fraction of what comes out of Japan as only a very small proportion ever gets translated officially to English and the wait to get official titles is SO slow!
Dex-chan lover
Apr 20, 2018
Not gonna lie, I hated the shit out of Kissmanga. Those ads were insane and my older tablet would constantly die trying to load them. On top of that they had ads that TALKED too. Absolute nightmare.

Found MangaDex ages ago and I haven't looked back tbh. Don't YOU guys go anywhere or I'm shit out of luck :V
Dex-chan lover
Jun 16, 2019
Funny this happened to them. Every time I searched for a particular anime/manga, they're always on the first page in Google searches. While official websites are usually a few pages down.

Gets kinda annoying since I hardly use their websites.
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