Kitaku Tochuu de Yome to Musume ga Dekita n dakedo, Dragon datta. - Vol. 1 Ch. 5.5 - Extra

Aggregator gang
Mar 11, 2018
i want more plss this is rly good... and thank you for your hard work
Active member
Feb 11, 2018
What's even the point of this chapter?... I don't think any of us will really care for a second character when the fckin story is about a dad, mom, and two baby really doesn't need a love rival, it just doesn't add up.
@Mnuchinboo they have been attacked and are working to defend the site. Plus the CloudFare free protection ain't enough.
Dex-chan lover
Sep 10, 2018
Tbh I like the fact that they gave an extra chapter to understand what glasses girl has feelings for him. Childhood friend stuff. But I do see the need, why should the MC be already locked down by one love interest who has his babies and mind you he is 16. That whole situation was out of his hands completely but he there for the kids so I respect him fully. But come on you didn't even kiss any other woman and now you played yourself in a father. RIP to his relationship experience with other women.
Aggregator gang
Jun 19, 2018
As I've said in previous chapters, it's really unfair to expect Kunpei to just accept "I have to get married to this woman I barely know because everyone says so", especially since a) This isn't like he was a dumbass who had unprotected sex and got her pregnant, and therefore would have to deal with his mistake, b) this only happened because he tried to help someone, and c) he's also only a second-year highschooler (no idea what the actual age of a second-year highschooler would be in Japan), so he's pretty young to decide who he wants to settle down with.

While I often do dislike the obligatory rival (not necessarily the characters themselves, more the fact that they are the rival), this is one of the series where I'm willing to let the character prove herself, since it makes complete sense for Kunpei to be undecided.

Also, this chapter shows us that Kunpei has always been a badass.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 19, 2018
I mean this chapter does provide some Backstory for the new girl, but it's providing Character Development for the MC far more. He's the one who actually Does something in this chapter. Granted, she did have her own moment of trying to help him out, but he was the one who did the most. He puts himself in danger, beats the shit out of someone who was menacing basically everyone, gets himself Punched by his Father, all for someone who he had never really been close with, just because he's that driven and passionate about what he thinks is important.

Despite that, he clearly does it partly because it just made him angry. So this reinforces him as someone who is willing to put himself in danger, to give of himself, for other people, without a concern for a potential reward, but he still has his own desires that he acts on. It's a good way of setting up the eventual conflict he'll have as the Kids begin to take more of his time and consume more of his life.

This also indicates, given the apparent force his Dad hit him with, that it might be The Entire Family that has the same sorts of Supernatural Powers that he demonstrated in the first chapter when he saved the kids to begin with.
Jan 21, 2018
Man, I wish I had his level of morals at that age. I was an asshole back then.
Dex-chan lover
May 12, 2018
Beautiful backstory and all, but you know childhood friends almost never win
Dex-chan lover
Jan 22, 2018
@shago00 You must remember that this is a world with supernatural creatures, Sages, super long lived magic races, probably honest-to-goodness real Heroes (Sword of Destiny! Chosen One! True Inheritor of <mythical hero>!) and so on.

I'd imagine the rules would be different, able to be bent for someone who was honestly Righting Wrongs, Defending the Weak, or other True Hero tropes.

After all, you don't want to be the guy who put the reincarnation of King Arthur in detention when he was the only one standing up to a bully.

And, by the way, I don't think MC is King Arthur, but as a school principal, who wants to take that chance?

In that vein, I think anyone expecting the possibility of some sort of romance with New Girl should think again. MC has proven, both in this chapter, and the others, that he has an abnormally strong sense of responsibility and "justice." He would consider it to be his duty to at least raise the kids, same as if he had done the horizontal tango with their mom. He is, quite literally, responsible for their existence. If he hadn't interfered, they
wouldn't have ever hatched, and would have just turned into magic rocks

It's totally in character for him to "make an honest woman" of the mom, too. Guys in real life who are much less idealistic do it all the time. Given the premise, though, it would be difficult for Dragon Girl to NOT win his heart.
They can't even nurse the kids without sitting naked, back to back!
The sheer amount of time they spend together as a result would probably, even in real life, only end in one of two ways: a deep and hard-to-shake affection, or absolutely loathing each other.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 8, 2018
What an absolute SHIT father...........Punched his son in the face, pulled him off the ground by his shirt to his FACE, then demands he explains everything while glaring at him like he's gonna kill him if he says something he doesn't like.

In the real world, that boy would just be too terrified to explain anything. He would just be begging his father not to hurt or kill him, and his childhood friend would be too terrified of his father to even THINK of defending him. Any REAL school official would call the police when they saw that, and he would never see his father again.

I wonder he'll punch his daughters in the face for "doing something bad"..........

what a monster...
Dex-chan lover
Aug 29, 2018
This is how a childhood story can get cliche.... but how did he get so much power in the first place?? And the hell is with his justice... just do it right!!
Well... looks like him getting his isn't that new...

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