We entered battle shounen style fight territory, where protagonist screaming their reasoning thus boosting themselves and demoralizing their opponent. I'm usually not big fan of it, but this one intertwined with backstory felt quite emotional, so it's good for now.
We are facing the curse of all ongoing series with overarching subplots. Effect of waiting weeks for another chapter makes arcs feel unnecessary long and bit of incoherent. Probably tournament won't be the big deal if you binge read it. That said, fans definitely like it not for being battle manga, SOL Kobayashi with occasional short fights is the right formula.
Why tf was it feel like suddenly every irrelevant dragons out there want to line up and tell Tohru what to do with her own life/relationship? Her father is a-ok, her friends/"rival" is okay then random fuck from somewhere be like "I do not consent!!!111".