Kondo Koso Shiawase ni Narimasu! - Vol. 4 Ch. 26

Dex-chan lover
Aug 11, 2018
happy ending fuck yeah, not sure about all of the marriages though
Apr 24, 2019
Its been ages and I mean aaaaagggggeeess since I've come across such a satisfying ending!! Brilliant!
Dex-chan lover
Apr 9, 2018
This is the type of ending so great that gives you feel a deep sense of satisfaction and accomplishment. This was a story that clearly had a planned plot from beginning to end, and as such it was able to deliver it.

Great reading, it was simply the best.

What can I say, its
Jun 7, 2019
Jun and Marcus was what sealed this manga for me. If they hadn't gotten their happy ending I'd feel like it wasn't worth it. Damn what a ride
Dex-chan lover
Aug 24, 2019
pg 37 “... Emi and Alison... Now they’re both married...”

I know it’s probably meant to be that they found their respective hubbies, but lol at how easy it is interpret it the gay way.

I think that happened too with some supportive cast dudes in Bram Stoker’s Dracula, like a quick epilogue mention that they got married with no mention of who they married, so the immediate thought is like “wait... to each other?”
Apr 19, 2020
First thing. Thank you for the scanalations. Great work!!!😀 I applaude you and your team.

Now to forgive me because I have never been so angry since GOT got that shitty ending.... Here's my rant....

This story started off so good only to sucker us into this brainwash bullshit. Literally, this privileged bs goddess kidnaps another soul to fix her problems and then have the audacity to say, hey bitch because "Jun" you were bitter as fuck at my people for killing you, so I made your each reincarnation suffer to the point you were abandoned, murdered, and turned into a sex slave. All because you can't fucking think pretty thoughts before you were killed by a mob.

And what's up with the royal family. You know why the demon king is still around? Because some of the royal family probably got away and didn't get punished for murder and corruption! Don't you know it's called consquences! Con-se-quen-ces! And then the decendents have the audacity to create a holy order to cover up their mess for creating a new demon king! And the holy order is using forbidden magic left and right like its all good. It's only forbidden for you, not us royals.

Afterwards, the goddess sacrificed 6, a sentai team worth of heroes, and their lives to cover up her mistakes. Afterwards, the goddess has the audacity to be like, "bitches, ain't gonna let you remember your lovers because I done fucked up your lover's life because I was pissed at her for bitching about my people." Of course when the heroes found out they all joined the demon king!!!! Doh!

And because the goddess fucks up again, she kicks the problem down the line to each generation to deal with until the demon king was now powerful enough to kick her ass and destroy her world!

Wow talk about the Worst Goddess Ever Award!!!!

Wow...like all the privileged, rich people don't get punished for creating the mess. From the first king who steals and rapes someone's wife, to the king who throws their only saintess to the mob to kill for no reason?! They just covered it all up! If the commoners knew who started this shit, the royals and the holy empire won't be in power for another fuckin 600 years!?!?!?! Who is the goddess who's holy church enables abusers like that to stay in power? Huh? Don't forget all the POS that was trying to tear the hero and his lover apart in the beginning of the story to keep the kingdom in power?!

This author was trying way too hard to make the demon king look bad...when all he wanted was his lover back. All 6 of them just wanted their SO back!!! I didn't see him do anything to the world once they got Jun back. What BS koolade this goddess trying to spin?

In the end I feel like the author and the goddess were the same person. Because if she didn't kick out Marcus's and Jun's soul back to her world, she'd probably never hear the end of it from us!!!!

Double-page supporter
Oct 29, 2019
Just 26 chapters but why does it feels like I read 60+ chapters? I feel fully satisfied with the story.

You get the happy ending, you get the happy ending, everyone get the happy ending and I'm okay with that 'cause they earned it....they deserve it.
Such a good read. Glad I found it.
Apr 14, 2020
So, that previous comment WAS going to be my last one but...

WTF was that ending for Louisa and Graham? Maybe it's just cos I don't really like Graham, but that felt like that manipulative cherry on a manipulative cake from the Goddess ("Oh, you can do whatever you want - but everything you've been trying to do will be pointless and lots of people will die if you don't do this specific thing~"). Yeah, Ms. "I don't get humans~" McHolytits can take a hike.

I will say everything else was pretty darn good though - the end of everyone else's character arcs, particularly the wendy lady from the church, and wow Jun and Marcus. If that'd been the end we got for Louisa I'd be giving a standing ovation. Guess McHolytits did one thing right...

Anyway. As previously stated, a lot of quality work in this despite my personal gripes with problematic story beats. And an excellent job from our friendly local scanlators.#

EDIT: @omoomoo
Sep 24, 2019
tbh the potrayal of the goddess here is a pretty common potrayal of a "god", where they have moments of being merciful or not, of intervening or not, lol. maybe cuz I was taught religious studies that I didn't find the goddess's decisions surprising or particularly vexing 😅 but omg what a good read. I wish there were more Louisa and Graham moments so their relationship was more believable, but a good read nonetheless!
Jun 3, 2020
Ngl I am still extremely salty about this ending. Still not sure how the previous incarnations were reunited when they all share the same soul. Also, the original deal was to kill the first demon Lord in exchange for a wish, which she did but no wishes were granted? Also, I can't help but feel Marcus was just used in all of this as a plot device. Ahh, I don't know. I think I almost liked it better before Graham returned.

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