Kouchuugun Shikan Boukensha ni Naru - Vol. 6 Ch. 38 - Rescue Operation

Dex-chan lover
Jun 8, 2018
Isn't the LN still ongoing and past the WN though? 4 volumes of LN seems like it's be further along then 95 WN chapters (Also seems to be on hiatus not ended).
Yeah... but even volume 4 released three years ago. Unless the author wants to continue the story only in manga form.
Dex-chan lover
Oct 3, 2020
If you can class this story at all, it's simply "Fantasy" , the overarching term derived from the early 19thC "Phantastical Tale".

Yes, yes, nowadays the whole field is "classified" into so many subgenres that it makes Metal afficionados with OCD twitch in envy, but it's all one type.
Whether it's horror, sword&sorcery, space opera , hard SF, or any mixture, it's all Fantasy. Something that's very clear when you read the old masters, as they were only limited in putting in by what the editors/publishers desired to see.

Hell, Asimov started his career by adapting ancient Greek fables with spaceships and pewpew. Some of his most famous "Early Work" are stories over 3000 years old that he translated while in College from greek into english, with a twist, because he was bored and figured out he could make a couple of bucks pitching them to those newfangled "Fantasy" rags.

As far as this story goes it's hard to say, because like any good story it defies any attempts at stuffing it in a labelled box...
If at all, I'd class it as Space Opera with a "Uninhabited Island" Survival Story main plotline. With the mandatory local Savages/noble Savages.
Which, in terms of "modern" literature, would mean this one is the greatgreatgrandchild of Defoe's Robinson Crusoe.
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Dex-chan lover
Dec 21, 2019
Did you read that from TVtropes?
If you can class this story at all, it's simply "Fantasy" , the overarching term derived from the early 19thC "Phantastical Tale".

Nope, my own interpretation

Also, after you said that I looked at the wiki for this series which defines it as a "Scifi/Fantasy".

Also Also, the LNT site (the WN TL) which has the WN description from the author, says "The Sci-fi Fantasy story in a Medieval setting now begins!".

Also Also Also, the NU site states "A Science Fiction Fantasy in a Middle Ages setting starts here."

Also Also Also Also, Amazon's description of the series and artist, states "With detailed worldbuilding that brings out the best from both fantasy and sci-fi genres..."

Mostly, I was just making a light-hearted generalized statement, so I don't know if you were being serious or not, but...

/Mic drop
/Sarcastic Humor
Fed-Kun's army
Mar 27, 2019
As far as this story goes it's hard to say, because like any good story it defies any attempts at stuffing it in a labelled box...
If at all, I'd class it as Space Opera with a "Uninhabited Island" Survival Story main plotline. With the mandatory local Savages/noble Savages.
Which, in terms of "modern" literature, would mean this one is the greatgreatgrandchild of Defoe's Robinson Crusoe.
Let's make it simple: isekai with shipwrecked/castaway pretext.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 30, 2018
Ugh... this is like less than 10 chapters away from where the novels got stalled, I pray this series doen't get axed due to that.
Dex-chan lover
Aug 15, 2020
Letting an entire battalion sacrifice themselves for a single comrade? What kind of braindead CO would let that happen?
Fed-Kun's army
Mar 27, 2019
Letting an entire battalion sacrifice themselves for a single comrade? What kind of braindead CO would let that happen?
I make a guess it is many with more urgency than intel about the enemy. Likely more prevalent in fiction than in reality.
Active member
Jul 18, 2019
Only a handful of girls per thousand people, in the woods base. The girls will have a really hard time.
Dex-chan lover
May 25, 2023
Only a handful of girls per thousand people, in the woods base. The girls will have a really hard time.
They can open a brothel? Tbh many "secluded" towns, frontier, ports had brothels legalized or a known secret! It reduced brawls, crime etc
But somehow I doubt the girls here would understand this :dogkek:

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