Kouritsu-Chuu Madoushi, Daini no Jinsei de Madou wo Kiwameru - Vol. 8 Ch. 48 - Beginning Of The End

Jul 20, 2019
I actually supported Grain until he started attacking our MC. Sure, torture for thousands of years deserves revenge but bro come on you attacked Zeff first so don't blame him.
Dex-chan lover
Jul 3, 2018
ok.... the only thing i cant think of is for him to reincarnate again, and even that would be pointless coz the world is probably gonna be a barren land, and honestly he shouldnt blame himself, its the fault of the dumb motherfucker that jailed him on a fucking time chamber

but man i really think they are all gonna die next chapter and then its gonna either be a reincarnation spell or straight up time reversal, there arent more options here, its over.

@Rhin but it makes sense, the magic lanes of the dude where destroyed, his previous limits where gone that moment, and he had thousands of years to create new magic that doesnt depend on the lanes
Sep 17, 2019
mC want to kill him but she interupt it, and the association only give him time prison 😔
Oh God I hate that association
Fed-Kun's army
Nov 20, 2019
Just like everyone, i presume we'll get some sort of time manipulation, because it's way too sudden.
A bit bitter, because the premise was fine, but how it got developped afterward was really sloppy, and now it's a mess..

Thanks for the chapter
Active member
Sep 26, 2018
There is only one conceivable way for them to get through this with what knowledge we have already, and that's for the mc to go back in time again.
Oct 27, 2018
@GruntZone360 after painstakingly reviewing the light novel I regret to inform everyone here that the latest translated chapter of the light novel ch 109 only covers up to ch 41 of the manga...
Mar 3, 2019
The villain is not as bad as people are claiming here. What's ridiculous is the amount of power he has obtained. It negates all known magic we know and in seconds defeats the top 6 strongest people of the world we know of. If anything the potential for the destruction of everything and the mc continuing and having to deal with it would be cool and everyone dead. But we all know that what is gonna happen is either a sudden power up, or obviously a time reversal or another reincarnation. Which with these options being the probable ones is what is really sad and bad about it all.
Dex-chan lover
Aug 8, 2018
Okay the smart thing for me to do would be to just drop this now. The manufactured conflict was bad enough (again the mages had NO reason to give him that specific punishment that was worse than death. Either just kill the guy or lock him in prison normally. Why even go that route? They weren't making an example of him seeing as it wasn't public). And now we have a stupid strong villain one shotting ALL of the characters built up until now AND pretending as if he isn't the bad guy (which is apparently working because the MC is blaming himself despite the fact that had he not fought and defeated grain then they would have died anyway and that guy was completely terrible and corrupt; and again this is the mage associations fault for giving him such an insane punishment (they should have expected something like this or really it should have happened before; you cannot tell me this random pompous asshole is the very FIRST person with enough will power to do this (I would have expected him to be the last)). This is like a how to guide on how to completely ruin all the setup, world building, story telling, and character development yiu've already done. The only way I see this being solved is with more stupid plot developments (time travel; another reincarnation; some weird other worldly thing) which will just harm the story and pacing even more. The story was doing fine as is and working at its own pace toward the MC'S goals (admittedly the writing was getting boring and some chapters just felt "why" but this isn't how you solve that. It's a harem reincarnation fantasy magician story; not whatever the author is trying to force in the last minute). This random huge conflict was just completely unnecessary which would be fine (well no, It'd still be bad writing and I'd probably skip it) if it didn't so hugely harm the REST OF THE STORY. This feels like the author thought they HAD to throw in some big conflict to make things interesting and didn't realize the story was fine as is and how hugely this derailed it.
Jan 28, 2018

The dude was a crazy, evil bastard to begin with. I can't imagine a thousand years of solitary confinement would somehow make him more rational, lol. Torturing that asshat for a thousand years isn't where they went wrong, it was not killing him before those thousand years were up.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 18, 2018
I actually disagree that it's "bad writing". The level caps exist for the magic system as they know it.
So it was reasonable of the magic association to think that he wouldn't be able to grow past a certain point even if he tried. Even more so with his magic sealed.
But this guy reinvented a whole new concept of "magic" from scratch to pull this off.

Imagine people going around on bicycles. You go fast, but there is a limit to how fast a human can pedal.
Then someone gets his legs taken away. No more pedaling.
He then invents an engine to pedal in place of his legs... basically inventing the motorbike... and reaches speeds immeasurable before.
The idea is that people were using magic in a constrained system and didn't realize it.
In a prison, without his magic, he had to rethink things from scratch, and found a way to use magic that is free of the constraints everyone thought as absolute.
And that was only possible because he was given near infinite subjective time to think about it, along with the handicap of being unable to use his previous magic.

I agree that was a "dumb punishment", but it is not necessarily "bad writing". At least not when it comes to the magic. It's a writing issue in the punishment that was devised here.
Dex-chan lover
Dec 13, 2019
Still can't fucking believe how fucking hilariously dumb the association was in giving a mage millions of years to himself. So dumb I'm literally about to drop this just for this...
Jan 23, 2018
this development is stupid as hell. the motherfucker has a magic to stop time and he doesn't even try to use it.
Sep 24, 2018
This is a case of people thinking something isn't possible just because it hasn't been done yet.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 3, 2019
I don't think this is bad writing at all. When reading this chapter azalea explained that they wanted to experiment with the time spider. In one of the text boxes it said they wanted to experiment on him. What kind of person is the best kind to be used as an guine pig, its criminals that are sentenced to death, hence this makes sense. When they were preparing for the experiment apparently they destroyed his magic veins or something(as said in this chapter) which lead to him finding a way to create a new way to use magic. The grudge was a bit much but you have entitled people in many stories that hold grudges like this so there is no big bullshit moment to me.

So due to him having thousands of years to study and invent a new way to use magic he has ascended which again makes sense. The more time you get to do things the stronger you will get at it as long as you have the will and effort to do it. He also broke through their limitations on magic which boosted his magic even more probably.

I hope the author doesn't mess up the next chapter or two to make all of this irrelevent.
Dex-chan lover
Aug 8, 2018
@Wyrm I'd say it's arguably still bad writing. The problem is the rules were never properly explained (which I would argue is bad writing for a fantasy series where we need world building). Physically there should be knkyso much the human body can handle. Even if the guy rebuilt his magic lanes he was only practicing MENTALLY and he still had the same physical body as he started with. It was noted that he was no longer human, but the thing is he was.

Going back to your analogy with the bicycle. Yeah if you rebuilt brand new broken legs you can pedal faster, but there's still only so fast the human body could handle. Only ONE part of your body would be drastically improved and the rest would have to play catch up (if they can). Your joints would need to withstand pedaling that fast, your mind would need to process stuff while going that fast (to properly drive, turn, react to cars etc), if you fall or hit something your body would need to withstand that impact.

On that note I don't understand how the villain is even this broken. Again he was only mentally trapped for that long. If that parasite (or whatever it was) managed to place his entire body in a temporal loop for that long (doesn't make sense since we saw his physical body) then that's insane and also bad writing. There should still be a certain limitation on what he can do because he's still human. I'm not understanding where this insane regeneration is coming from or why his body isn't breaking apart for casting spells that strong (and he wouldn't have been able to test this will in that punishment because again he was only mentally tortured). In other series it's explained that mages still have to train their physical bodies or where the magic comes from or the strain strong magic puts on the body. If that was explained here then this makes no sense and is bad writing; if it wasn't explained then it's still bad writing

I mean unless I'm completely forgetting details from earlier chapters and the punishment, which is also possible. I would still argue that the author has a responsibility to remind readers for necessary details for the plot if there's a good chance they may have forgotten (depending on how long ago the magic rules and limits were explained).
Dex-chan lover
Jan 25, 2018
let's see what kinda "deus ex machina" appears, maybe our MC will loose some more comrades and decides to go for another (travel back in time) round?
Apr 3, 2018
I think it's pretty obvious he'll travel back in time again. How else is the mangaka going to continue this manga?

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