Soo...................................... it's a shady book that contained the world's deepest secrets and it's being sold by some random merchant for a small change? And the protagonist doesn't even suspect that he might be being used?
"But but butt, it's written in the language of the gods and only gods and the apostles can read it!" Yeaaaaaaaah, who told him that? Did the Gods themselves descend upon him? Did he learn that from the Holy Scripture? Or was there someone who bullshitted that to him? I mean, I'm pretty sure he just said: "apparently, I'm one of the apostles."
"We praise those who stand on their own two feet. Striving forward using their own wisdom" Then they dump all the wisdom onto him, so now he's just a child with his new toy.
"Therefore, all this encyclopedia provides is information" yeah, it's like saying 'I only give him some shotgun to play with, don't blame me if he shoots you with it.'
And best of the best; "Relax! This is an encyclopedia written by the gods!" Suuuuuure. Next time I wanna sell something, I'd put 'relax, this ad is sponsored by God himself!' and see how many people may buy it.