What I want to see is her "inventing" the steam engine and the rifle (cannons too). With the steam engine she could easily make factories, opening up hundreds of jobs for commoners and future engineers. She'd also open up jobs for woodwork and mining, including metal processing. (remember the gunpowed too lol) With the engine she could also revolutionize seatrade and war on sea by making propellerdriven armoured boats, with cannons. I also want to see her recreate a "royal" guard, similar to the "red-coat's". This is what would make her fief a shining beacon on the map. She'd probably permanently become the fief's owner, or recognised as such, meaning her father will never remove her position in it. The country itself would also rely on her guns. She'd basically recreate the industrial revolution. This would also make a lot of high-positioned people to respect her and she'd gain a humongous power, just due to her newfound military and economic power.