While I still smell Axe on here, it ended nicely. The story not really going anywhere for the first half of the last volume(because the author didn't know what to plan for but still had to publish chapters), a sudden event that forced a change in the status quo and then an ending that was... pretty much what everyone expected? That feels like a cancelation.
But I liked it! It's nice and everyone remained as sweet as the manga had them be the whole time. I didn't expect a wedding chapter, even though that would've been fun. Just that these two would continue to get along and be in love their own way, so things went the way I expected and I'm relatively satisfied here.
Maybe we'll get some extra chapters. Sequels tend not to happen anymore, but I wanted to see more of them actually together, because they're a lot of fun. I'd love to see how the two act when there's not a serious barrier between them anymore. As well as Kuroda to get more respect for how just dang GOOD for him Azuki's been. Dude started off the manga barely alive, walking around in a rolled up ruffled office shirt, and he ends it walking around straight backed and in a suit all the time. She MADE him the cool, collected older man that her friends were okay with her being with, by giving him a reason to enjoy living again.