Kuro no Senki: Isekai Teni Shita Boku ga Saikyou na no wa Bed no Ue dake no You desu

Dex-chan lover
Jun 7, 2020
y'know it's actually kinda refreshing how little effort is put into the worldbuilding here
instead of taking 20 chapters just to make a standard boring isekai canon
author just says fuck it have some tits and fights and politics
censoring is dumb tho if you're going to do smut at least do it right.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 2, 2018
I like this, but it really feels like “skipping the first volume” kind of feel, yeah?
Active member
Aug 13, 2020
pretty good for early chapters,,

MC is not hypocrite and not beta,,
typical pragmatic and well educated man

but rather slow update might cause loss of reader interest
Mar 27, 2019
I came for the smut copper and found the NOT TRASH ISEKAI gold. How is this series not over 7 SMH
Mar 21, 2018
So far, this isn't bad, but it is giving me some pretty severe whiplash. The author needs to slow down the pacing and take it easy. From what I can tell, we have zero establishing items for the protagonist and the world he's in, there are relationships all over the place that we are expected to just go along with, and everything is reading less like a nice story and more like "here are the bullet points of what's going on".

Good examples:
[ul]Who is Mino? I get that he's Chrono's right hand, but where does his faith come from? Why is he super loyal? Where did he come from?[/ul]
[ul]The former marquis goes from being a potential problem, to a solved problem, to dead, and we never actually see him until he's a solved problem.[/ul]
[ul]I will give props to this manga for skipping the stereotypical "past life" introduction with truck-kun, train-chan, or tractor-sama, but thus far we know absolutely nothing about the main protagonist. He's basically cardboard cutout nice guy #873 to me. He supposedly has parents, but we have never seen them (literally) and they're supposed to be super important to his personality?[/ul]

I want to save this one just to have a solid example of bad pacing and how it affects a story. It looks like a good world with a solid idea, but I can not recommend this to anyone. If the author can slow down their pacing, I'd be super interested in future works though.
Aggregator gang
Mar 6, 2019
@peppermilldetective How is it better to skip the pre isekai phase?! That's the point of isekai. To show the background of our main character, no matter how bland or stupid the main character can be. What did he do? What was he like? What is he going to do to in this new world?

Seriously, we are 4 chapters in and we have no idea who everyone is. What are their motives? Better yet, why even make this an isekai? The story doesn't even use the trope.
Oct 3, 2020
Honestly this story is shit, but I sense a lot more sex scenes in the future so thats an 8/10 for me
Feb 7, 2021
I like the world the story takes place in, along with how it’s society is set up. I like the idea of a Mc that isn’t crazy overpowered and either a “hero” or “outcast”. The characters are well written and have personality.

But there are some major issues.

1) starting off with the Mc in action is fine. Nice preview of his ability and strength. But to not provide any explaination of who he really is, how he ended up in that situation, and what he’s trying to accomplish is a major plot hole.

2) why is his right hand man ox man so blindly loyal?

3) there’s nearly no explanation provided for any of the events that happen here. The money embezzling marquis? “Oh yea we kinda just guessed he was embezzling money and turns out he actually was LOL!”

how does that make any sense. There was no explanation as to how they became suspicious, no plan given for what action they would take against it, no climax when they decided to just barge in and ransack the place to find evidence, and a cheap conclusion of “marquis toaster bathed, here Mc have his domain”

The author needs to take his time, actually plan and write out the events that happen and provide a story that isn’t gonna move so fast we don’t get to enjoy it, or so slow it’s painful to read each chapter.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 21, 2018
New serialization? AWESOME!

But it looks like a direct continuation of the previous one.

So. Chapters 9 and 10, when?

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