I have a personal belief that I think is at the same time corroborated and refuted by this story... that true life, can't exist without strife.
By strife, I mean discordance, the discordance of choices.
Go left or right, up or below, right or wrong, throw in perspective... and just two choices become a hell of choices.
I reread this just one chapter before this last hiatus, and so I have the entire experience fresh in mind (to a certain extent), but I have to say... I will come back to this one after it ends many times, to piece together not only the themes... but my feelings about this.
I share certain feelings with most here, about certain characters... but I do disagree with those feelings too, maybe I even have some that others don't have, who knows.
But I have the need to repeat a thing I wrote last chapter... this story... is a journey.