Very important question: the fuck did she just drink?
@77BLc9JwJGpLVARkamJx well, Mr parental issues can only get it up for 1 girl, though considering the state of hentai, that's practically a fetish in it's own right.
@Phaaze your ass fetish would probably manifest with giant hands to better slap/grope the biggest of asses. I mean, the amputee fetish girl gets a knife arm to MAKE amputees.
Edit: actually the way the coach's worm just DIRECTLY INJECTED into her ass rather than an orifice like the other ones we've seen, asses might be his deal...
....... what? Out of nowhere ? And why would she even be there. ??? its a deserted part of the night
@Tamerlane it takes time. Shes infected but it wont start showing for at least a day. Remember the first girl who got infected, she was fine and released from hospital, but you could tell when the MC was talking to her on the following day, she was out of it. Then she finally went feral and kissed him.