LOji-san - Ch. 1 - An Old Man Who Genderswapped Into a Little Girl and Gets Addicted to Having Sex With His Childhood Friend!

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Jan 7, 2023
Uploaded to Exhentai on July 31, 2024 by xzosk.


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So when this book first came out, I read it and I was like, "Hm, it's good, but TS really isn't my thing, I'm sure someone else will do it." and left it alone even though I'm a big fan of Mdo-h works. Then months pass, he releases a sequel, and still nobody's done it. At this point it was coming up on a year since the raw dropped, so finally I'm like "fuck it, I'll do it myself", and that VERY same week is when someone decided to MTL it lol.
I'm not salty that they did so, it was just the timing of it more than anything that kind of tilted me.

That said, I always love mdo-h works, especially when they're not bogged down by overbearing magazine censorship. I follow him on socials and the guy is a workhorse, posting sketches every single day and being in almost every LO issue for the past few years. Even though the premise of this story isn't my personal cup of tea, I do hope mdo-h does more doujinshi in the future so we can enjoy his more of his work without the lightsaber/mosaic menace. Also, this book is currently on sale for half price, so please go support the artist!

Don't forget to check out chapter 2 as well!

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