Love is Still Too Early for Himeno-chan - Vol. 5 Ch. 39

Dex-chan lover
Jan 18, 2018
On this day, Ouji learned what it meant to be turned into a pillar of salt.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 12, 2018
I'm glad I was never in that situation but at the same time I can still feel the pain.

Of course, I'm no less awkward with girls as I was then now.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 30, 2018
I was in this situation once at a bit older of an age. At this point I get the distinct impression one of my classmates was trying to set me up with the other one or something along those lines. But they failed miserably because I had that MC density fueled by low self-esteem. I think about this manga plot in my personal history sometimes when someone gets mad about how an MC can't possibly be that dense.
Jan 11, 2020
I got invited to a girls birthday party. She didn’t bother to tell me that it was also a pool party. And no other guy who invited showed up. It was just me. It was truly scary :(
Dex-chan lover
Mar 27, 2019
@Sonaldo Ahh, no, I didn't get any of them. I happened to be in a mostly girls group so I decided to be the joker of the group just to avoid the awkwardness...that also probably ruined my chances with them. there's an ongoing joke that I'm gay in my class because they're all a bunch of Muslim hypocrites and I was the only person to go against a teacher who was blasting America for making gay marriages be legal...and so the whole class just decided to just call me gay since I love gay rights so much leading me to kinda play into that role by acting gay sometimes as a joke. (They're not bad people, it's obvious from how they don't antagonise me for standing up to something that their whole religion considers a sin. They're just really devoted to their religion so they can't easily accept it...but that teacher sure was an ass. My classmates are basically the definition of "mind your own fucking business". lol)

So yea, I blame that on never having a girlfriend my entire life. (Though we all know that's not true.)
I don't know, when you have a go-to gay persona to switch to anytime and everybody knows about it and laughs about's easy to get out of most awkward situations with them.
Jan 14, 2020
Page 12 when the girls were talking with like 4 speech bubbles what was said in the 3rd one? The one after talking about saying goodbye. Can't make it out.
Dex-chan lover
Dec 20, 2018
@Daxes I read it as "Because he's a man", but I can't really tell what she meant by that. Boys need extra service? ("Because he ran" would have seemed like a more valid guess?)
Dex-chan lover
Nov 14, 2019
@Walter_vi_Britannia damn FeelsBadMan homophobic schooling. I think it’s very admirable that you stood up for what you believed in, even if it lowered your chances with girls. I’d say that that moral strength matters more than any relationship.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 27, 2019
@bananaboy No, I don't think its that admirable. As I said, my classmates don't care very much. Its just that their religion says so they go along with saying its a sin....but if they ever came across a gay person they really couldn't care less. I knew that so I was never really afraid of arguing on this topic. I just really hated that teacher and she was the only true homophobic person there.

My classmates' behavior is like when you hate a manga but don't really care if others like the manga. But that teacher's behavior was like when you hate a manga and want everybody else to hate the manga too and you antagonize and bash everyone who likes the manga...the bitchy Karen type basically. So yea, people generally are afraid of muslims in America and think their stance against homosexuality means they're homophobic...but its not really like that. Most of them are just normal people who follow what they're taught, they don't wanna harm or oppose anyone who go against it though as long as its not directly harming them. Its really nothing to be afraid of to the point that I didn't even have to consider twice going against a teacher on such a topic in a class where I was the only one who was not a muslim.
Dex-chan lover
Nov 14, 2019
@Walter_vi_Britannia Hm I see what you mean. I still think that it’s pretty cool that you took that action though. I have Muslim friends who aren’t really homophobic but taught to be against gay people, so I get what you mean by that. Hey if nothing else you got to tell that teacher off, even if it did end up with you getting called gay for a while. Chad play

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