@Sonaldo Ahh, no, I didn't get any of them. I happened to be in a mostly girls group so I decided to be the joker of the group just to avoid the awkwardness...that also probably ruined my chances with them.
...plus there's an ongoing joke that I'm gay in my class because they're all a bunch of Muslim hypocrites and I was the only person to go against a teacher who was blasting America for making gay marriages be legal...and so the whole class just decided to just call me gay since I love gay rights so much leading me to kinda play into that role by acting gay sometimes as a joke. (They're not bad people, it's obvious from how they don't antagonise me for standing up to something that their whole religion considers a sin. They're just really devoted to their religion so they can't easily accept it...but that teacher sure was an ass. My classmates are basically the definition of "mind your own fucking business". lol)
So yea, I blame that on never having a girlfriend my entire life. (Though we all know that's not true.)
I don't know, when you have a go-to gay persona to switch to anytime and everybody knows about it and laughs about it...it's easy to get out of most awkward situations with them.