@Sep10trion Well, i like this approach, where its more about personality. The ones were the demons are just the good guys and the humans just the evil are lame, but its acceptable here. I mean, there are obviously enough people in the demons who want war and to crush the humans, besides the ones who are more pragmatig and there are enough normal humans, even the King isnt inherintly evil as it seems, just an ass and somewhat incompetent. Just more like in reality, no real "evil" side and "good" side (well, besides from the "hero" and the new thingi which seems to be evil
@wankerLin Not really, you cant just kidnap someone and then say: "now its your responsibility", he doesnt belong there, he was kidnapped and so he got to a pleace to live in peace. Just because other people always crave for power that isnt theirs doesnt mean he is obligated to use that power to their advantage, its not his problem that the two sides cant communicate in a civilised manner, its theirs. You can shove it to the "hero", the human kind and the demon king, but surely not on the MC.