Machikado Mazoku - Vol. 4 Ch. 47 - Ancestor’s Dojo!? The Demon’s Ultimate Weapon!

Dex-chan lover
Apr 8, 2018

How do I get my hands on this psychic photo? For paranormal research purposes of course.
Double-page supporter
May 4, 2019
@Evron I couldn't read it, but from what I could tell it was just a japanese translation of the english message. Even if there was nothing wrong with the message itself, I question why it was even there in the first place.
Dex-chan lover
Sep 26, 2018
That picture filename though.
Something something is the world's cutest.jpg

Who's the cutest? Did Lillith name the file or Ryou? Is Lillith inflating her own ego or is Ryou surreptitiously naming all of her files after how cute Shamiko is?

This may be the deepest question we've encountered in this series.
Oct 2, 2019
I say it's Lilith's doing, since the filename itself is also corrupted.

Kinda forgot about it, but I think the sweet's staff made it clear that food is Shamiko's best weapon. I'm sure Momo would agree.
Group Leader
Feb 2, 2018
for those wondering about the file name, i can explain it to you.
in the raws it's 邢詅裪芩苭芢芢靝苌芲醸諧.jpg which is mojibake(, if you take the filename and decode from UTF-16BE to Shift_JIS and you get 世界一かわいい余のご尊顔.jpg (My_portrait_is_the_world's_cutest.jpg)
Active member
Oct 6, 2019
I am not the least bit surprised that Shamiko loves Momo's smell. Seeing Momo act embarrassed is always a treat. Her and Lilith start to overlap on a lot of things... although Momo still has more common sense and is overall kinder.

The Whatever Staff is quite more capable in dreams, but it's still not a super weapon right now. All those fantasy weapons were used against unmoving giant targets. If she was fighting a Magical Girl or anything else with combat experience she would have been defeated 6 times over before the lightning or flames even come out.
Also we will later learn that using the Whatever Staff for cheat weapons still drains her mana immensely even in dreams. It will never work well in reality if it cant even do that in the dream world.

Lilith can be defeated by snacks... who would have think it? 😋
Resident Yuripig
Feb 4, 2018
You're using the Elizabethan English objective and nominative case incorrectly in a couple of places for Lilith's "ye olde speake".
P72 F5 B1: Doest thou wish to visit as well, Ryo?
P72 F5 B2: We should be able to summon thee, as thou art a blood relative to Shamiko.
P74 F3 B2: Take me out to the amusement park if thou canst finish them all.
P74 F5 B3: Since Shamiko's weapon sense is... Well, thou doest get my point.
Oct 2, 2019
It was nice of Lilith to humor Ryo's wish to see her sister slay an army of thousands... which were dummies, but still thousands. Ryo even got the chance to provide useful tactical advice.

BTW, I think that if Shamiko had an "onsen" staff, she probably could have one-shot them all.
Double-page supporter
Sep 14, 2019
I'm applaud to Sunrise Arrow for translation for page 3 right panel 4 on the book


Dex-chan lover
Jun 25, 2018
Shamiko wouldn't use fire against magical girls though, as shown by the snack staff, Shamiko can just transform the Whatever staff into whatever defeats any magical girl she's facing, even with her limited amount of mana she can still shot at least 1 thing of anything, that's why Momo wants her to train, she wants Shamiko to be able to defend herself because her staff has infinite possibilites thanks to her dumb definition of what is a stick.
Active member
Oct 6, 2019
That's not how this works. There is no "this can just defeat a magical girl" button. If Shamiko can't imagine something that can defeat them she can't make the Staff transform into it.
You just completely made that part about how much mana that would take up. If she projected such a weapon it might even cost more mana than she could produce in a lifetime. You have no frame of reference.

Of course Momo trains her for self-defense, but she is not stupid enough to think Shamiko can actually beat Magical Girls. She is only helping her survive long enough to wait for back-up or escape.


Dex-chan lover
Jun 25, 2018
Of course there is not, I mean she can transform the staff into whatever defeats the specific magical girl she's facing and defeat her with a single shot of that thing that doesn't empty her mana.

In a situation in which she seriously faces a magical girl, escape isn't an option and back-up can't happen if the hypothetical magical girl already defeated her allies before getting to her, she's the boss after all. Momo already warned her about this since the first time they trained, Shamiko has to be strong herself.
Active member
Oct 6, 2019
Listen to yourself.... there is no "specific thing" that can defeat a magical girl. Unless Shamiko has extensive prior knowledge about someone's weakness that is complete nonsense. Not everyone has an obvious Achilles heel like Lilith and food or Momo and cats. There is no Pokemon elemental system that just means a Fire Type Magical Girl is weak to water. They aren't that one-sided.
If it's something that is supposed to actually defeat a Magical Girl it must be strong enough to take immense amounts of mana, so your idea is just a fantasy.

Shamiko is no boss, that entire concept is a joke. Momo's training is based on scenarios where Shamiko is alone and has to somehow wait until Momo or any of her friends come to save her. Why do you think Momo is so overprotective of her? She never intended to make Shamiko able to hold her own in battle, that's a pipe dream. Shamiko will never be able to contend with Magical Girls in a real life fight. Ever. Even in dreams where she is at her strongest she is almost useless on her own. This is not debatable, this is what both the manga and every character's predictions have shown us.

Shamiko can only win if everyone else does the work for her and if she is lucky. That's how all her "victories" pan out.


Dex-chan lover
Jun 25, 2018
This isn't just about elements, she has vast videogame knowledge, if the enemy magical girl shoots lasers, summon a reflect barrier with a magic staff, how much mana you think that is? As an expert 16-bit gamer Shamiko has at least played all the classic dragon quests, which means her staff minimum can do all the spells that Hero can do.

You seriously underestimate how utterly broken Shamiko is, the only limit she has is her brain, which is admittedly very bad and makes her look useless at first glance, but once she gets more experience she'll be able to solve any situation with just transforming the staff once into something made for that situation, and that's what makes her at least Momo's boss, Momo can only solve situations with brute force and Momo knows that no matter how much she stalks her, she can't follow her and protect her all the time everywhere. Videogames are the best source for cheat weapons and they are the way of how Shamiko can cheat her way out of any real fight.

And we all know if Shamiko can't deal with magical girls in real life by herself, Momo won't fall into darkness for her, so she has to be able to do it someday.
Active member
Oct 6, 2019
This sounds straight up delusional, sorry... You have no idea how much mana a high level spell would take. It more likely than not would NOT work.
When they helped get the demon out of Mikan's heart, Shamiko used the Whatever Staff in the dream space to assemble the spread out remains of Ugallu for just a couple of minutes and her mana was completely depleted after that. That's a feat that seems impresive, but you have to remember that this weapon was specifically made for that in the dream world where everything should be possible and it still drained her instantly.
Even worse, you completely ignore how OP Magical Girls are. Did you forget how fast Momo is? Magical Girls so far outclass Shamiko in speed and strength they can vaporize her before she even gets a chance to create a barrier or anything if they are in kill mode.
Even her Kiki Kanri MkII that she claims is invincible is actually not invincible at all. It's just harder than one would expect, but a Special Attack that can vaporize buildings would easily get through it.

I dont underestimate anything, you OVERESTIMATE her beyond belief. Her brain being mush is actually the ONLY reason she can make the Whatever Staff do this nonsense in the first place. If she gets smarter the Staff becomes more useless. If she stays dumb she can't use it to full effect. Do you see how it automatically balances itself out?
I will only repeat this one more time: Transforming the staff into reality breaking things in real life is nearly impossible for her to do and requires insane amounts of mana. Experience cannot make up for that. Ever.
You have a serious issue with scope. You pretend she can just create anything she can imagine, but the manga has already disproven that on so many levels its not even funny.

No, she will straight up never be able to do it. You are making the false assumption that the endgame is a super powerful Shamiko that can fight on par with Magical Girls, but that is so clearly not what Ito is going for. Shamiko's strength is her good heart. The way she makes friends and solves things peacefully. She will never be able to beat anyone in a fair fight in or outside of a dream, but she doesn't need to, because she will either find a way around fighting or have her friends guide her to a better solution. Ogura does 90% of the work at the moment and Momo and Lilith do the remaining 10%. Shamiko is more of a tool for them to solve problems actually. If anything she is the subordinate. And that's fine, because the theme of the story is working together and building a bridge between people.
The endgame is creating peace between Light and Dark Clan.


Dex-chan lover
Jun 25, 2018
The only real problem of that is speed, videogames have enough barriers to deal with physical and magical strength. Currently I have no idea how Shamiko can become faster, but if Momo herself made her transformation sequence quicker over time that means there is a method to train speed, we just haven't seen it yet because Shamiko is still in her basics regarding her staff. The power up I'm talking about for Shamiko would take years, so far Shamiko has known Momo for 3 months.

With smarter I mean being able to analyze her enemy, Momo already foreshadowed that during Shamiko's first victory against a familiar, she had no idea what the weakness was, which means Shamiko will eventually learn how to pinpoint that. She can keep being dumb regarding the definition of what is a stick. Again, with eventually I mean years, maybe even decades. I'm talking long term adult life (living with Momo), Shamiko won't get out of this peaceful town with her current age.

She can create anything she can imagine, the things she couldn't, all of them, were because she couldn't imagine them, not because of a lack of mana. Even the gold chopsticks were out of the question because Shamiko doesn't have bad intentions.

The endgame is Momo becoming Shamiko's vassal, Momo said since volume 2 she won't do it unless Shamiko becomes strong enough to beat her, peace between both clans is too big for Shamiko, Ito cares more about yuri and their relationship than whatever the deal with the clans is. Shamiko can solve multiple plot points and problems in the future using peace or words or whatever without fighting, but her only main objective in her hands is making Momo hers, and the only way she can do it is becoming stronger than her.

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