Honyu's been a magical girl for at least 10 years now, actually. Lico was left in Shirosawa's care 10 years ago and that was after she had fled from Honyu's home/restaurant.
@Glomoro There's no reason for that to be the case here. This isn't just a "will they or won't they" story. There's a lot more going on here than just Yuko and Momo developing their relationship. There are plenty of avenues for the story to continue long after these two get together. The reason many series end with the couple getting together is because them getting to that point is the only plotline those manga have. In this series that is not even remotely the case.
@Madcat6204 Tell that to the authors. Even if the romance is a sub plot and there's tons more to do, 9 out of 10 of them refuse to advance that stuff adequately until a last minute sprint. Every time I find a series that does handle the romance differently than that it's like a friggin' miracle.
"They got fed up living in the apartment/ruins with it being so noisy. So, Momo invited Shamiko to stay in her House. Oh, and nothing lewd happened that night, obviously."
@Glomoro While I disagree that the series would end if she hadn't backtracked (same reason as @Madcat6204, there is a lot going on other than just romance) , there probably is some truth in saying that the author might feel that way.
I am just glad that Momo finally confessed! And I really liked the way the confession was handled too... Even if the author felt like they couldn't let Shamiko understand the depth of Momo's feelings towards her (yet), I am happy that at least us readers got to see it. Momo didn't even try to hide it that much. Shamiko is just a really dumb (but adorable) demon!
Shamiko's brainmelt at confession is a beautiful sight. Hope that it'll help her to understand that all her advances on Momo wasn't purely friendship-driven.
God this chapter is deep in many ways. Shamiko realise how powerful and the weight of her power. I kinda get why they seal lilith with multiple curse in the first place.
Taking a pow of "lawful evil" sealing them before they knew how to use their power is good things.
But thanks god that momo confession is balancing out the dark theme
and something keep bugging me about this town. even for "town full of weirdo" everyone here is so accepting and kinda bursh the weird out. i think some power is at play for this to happen. Ziqel said "that type of demon spreads twisted justice and distorted hope". maybe shamiko type demon is not the first one and all or maybe his dad have some similar power. or maybe shamiko type of demon power is at play at this town as well