Machikado Mazoku - Vol. 6 Ch. 77 - Resolve! An Oath for the Demon Sanctuary

Active member
Oct 25, 2020
The plot keeps getting deeper...

So Momo was originally part of some form of shady ukranian-based science-project, that seems to have gone haywire for some reason. Hmmm
Apr 25, 2018
I know everyone pretty much looks same in anime or manga, but no character seriously has ever mentioned or even noticed that Momo looks like an Ukrainian, not Japanese?
Mar 3, 2020
There's no particular reason to believe momo looks ukrainian or has ukrainian blood, just that the facility she was created in was based the ukraine (just because it's a convenient place to hide top-secret government experiments).


Dex-chan lover
Jun 25, 2018
The main question is at which point Suika turned into a genocidal, she clearly wasn't one when they found Momo.

If Shamiko saw her dad overwriting memories like nothing she probably won't mind rewriting Ogura with Gusion, the question is if the other characters will care.

Also I think Joshua erased some memories from his wife too, because in a previous chapter she seemed to recall some things wrong as if she couldn't remember certain details.

At this point everyone wants Shamiko to take care of Momo, so now it's about time Shamiko thinks what is really Momo to her? Will she ever stop calling her her nemesis? I feel like the moment she stops using that word to describe the girl she loves to see smile she will unlock the original power of the staff. The problem is the mana, but if Ogura could create a temporal solution for that, I'm sure Gusion can permanently expand Shamiko's mana reserves.
Fed-Kun's army
Aug 5, 2019
Mikan is scary!
Momo strength is now revealed.
Shamikid got level up.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 31, 2019
That's sure something you don't expect with a premise like this and the first volume. We've come to a JK becoming a demon and lifting a curse to a JK Demon who must protect her hometown with the help of Magicals Girls, one of which being an ukrainian experimentation.
Nov 11, 2019
They get a little competition and suddenly SA sets a speed record? So proud of you all! *applause* Then again, this chapter didn't have much to redraw and that's always the slowest part.

Yeah, clearly Suika snapped not so long ago. Obviously she's still out there, still unhinged, and still probably in line to be endgame final boss, but now there's more questions than answers...

Seiko not remembering anything about their old neighbors is probably Suika's erasing everyone's memories of them, when she killed them. It's consistent with Seiko's feelings that they all left at once—obviously Suika showed up one day, burned them all out, but skipped the Yoshidas because barrier.

Shamiko needs to get a clue and just confess already.
Aggregator gang
Feb 23, 2020
Thank you, sunrise arrow, for a great meme and translation. It's nice that you managed to come up with "felindividual".
Also, can somebody correct me, haven't shamiko only seen her father's face in photos? Or at least, her sister. The Timeline implies that they were pretty big when Joshua vanished. Only explanation I see is that Yuko was in coma at some point.
Active member
Oct 6, 2019
This chapter set up more plot points than it answered, which is always fun. I am not sure about Suika... her actions here dont strictly contradict how she acted in Momo's flashback. She always pities everything, so that's nothing new. She also isnt antagonistic towards magical girls for obvious reasons, so there was little chance for her to act deranged this time.

As for Joshua, this proves at least that he was at least somewhat capable as long as he uses the Whatever Staff. Maybe he was the demon repsonsible for all of Sakura's cards after all, as Metako refers to both as "Great Demon". A really obvious future plot point that was set up here is "Dream demons can't beat true love". This is 100% gonna come up again. My guess is that Shamiko will try to erase Momo's memory for some reason, but Momo's love makes it impossible.

Shamiko being able to at least project a high level game breaking staff for a couple of seconds is definitely an improvement. Even if it exhausts her completely (like the staff she used on Ugallu in Mikan's heart did), it still would be a good trump card. Also Shamiko calling Momo cute when she smiles is kind of its own piece of character development.

Also RIP Metako... apparently the cat is going to die soon.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 9, 2020
@KZO I think she is already a killing machine, but on that time Sakura is still stronger and can easily stop her if she gone on a rampage.
Double-page supporter
Jun 12, 2020
So that is why Momo told Yuuko to not raise her heels even without her memories. She has gopnik DNA!

Also I am so grateful that Yuuko can now lie like a proper lady of darkness.


Well this is the same town that has talking tapirs and firefox chefs so why bother?
Active member
Oct 6, 2019
Shamiko said she cant really remember what her father looked like. You gotta consider that she was only 4-5 when he disappeared and in the short time she was mentally developed enough to recognize him she was mostly sick and delirious while he was out working to pay for the medical bills.

Shamiko keeping secrets and lying is portrayed as a negative thing, as it should. This is already creating an obvious rift between her and Momo. At least Momo has gained the resolve to show her friends everything about herself, but Shamiko only adds more and more secrets on to the pile. Everyone is so intent on protecting Momo without actually considering how she feels about it, which is the exact same thing everyone was annoyed by when Shamiko was left out in the early manga.

This story is about communication, which is why honesty is so important.
Jan 1, 2019
Sakura apparently erased Momo's memories in preparations to fight "you know who", is this another endgame boss alongside Suika? I don't believe Suika would've blown her cover by now but who knows. And then there's still the other end-of-the-world threat that Momo stopped with Mikan but there isn't indication yet that they'll be relevant in the modern story besides hyping Momo up. So that's 2 and a half end-of-the-world level final bosses for a dream demon and ukrainian experiment to beat
Dex-chan lover
May 27, 2020
Whoa momo was some kind of soviet(ukrainian?) Experimental soldier? This is getting really intense

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