Anyone else pissed off that from the main group of girls, Kiyo-chan hasn't gotten any backstory yet? Like all we've seen is like 2 pages of her getting bullied at school, but every other character has had at least one chapter, even the "new" characters got like 10 chapters of introduction. Kinda feels like the writers given up on the direction of things and is kinda rushing things now. I mean they keep adding characters that I don't give a shit about and the ones we do know aren't developed.
@descending_angel87 @Exagape You're right, Asahi and Kiyoharu don't even have backstory yet while the tempest is already near, while we know about Kiyoharu, Asahi's background is barely revealed. I really want to know what really happened to Asahi before she became a Magical Girl.@Exagape
@descending_angel87 Asahi also didn't have none backstory yet, just like Alice, Sakaki and even A.