Mahou Shoujo Tokushuusen Asuka

May 17, 2018
If there isn't any Shady thing that Japanese and America armed force done & get exposed, and make MC question "is they in the right faction?". I would rate this manga with "japanese-america manga war propaganda (with lot of lewd fanservice)/10" score.
Nov 9, 2018
@Skepticium I'd hardly call it propaganda even if Asuka never does realize. It's not making any pretence that Iizuka or Miura or their agents are good people, simply that this is how intelligence agencies are. There's a heavy repeating theme that shit behavior begets shit behavior, and it's not like they're somehow exempt. Besides, we still don't know why the Brigade is doing what it's doing. I wouldn't be surprised if we get voluntary defections by the end.

None of the characters outright say, 'hey, this conditioning and gaslighting of Nazani is going jolly well, eh?' but again, it's pretty obviously a parallel to the way she was treated by the mafia. One of the things I like about this series is how well it does show don't tell. I can't say I've noticed it trying to moralize to the reader at all.
May 17, 2018
@Angris ok maybe this is not a propaganda, but scene about Russian colonel that doesn't trust his homeland and the japan M-brigade leader that said the girl is like his family has some implication that Japan or America government aren't as shady as Russian one.

Every faction (like Russian and China) (especially on story as close as real life like this story) should have their own logical reason to do what they done, not just assumption from Japan/America faction pov. If they atleast discuss right or wrong, justice or injustice, and moral philosophy this manga would be great.

Also In the real life, Japan and America government not just once see people as tools for pursuing their own interest and that shouldn't different for magical girl. Their critic of the Russian only see magical girl as tools for mother land doesn't sit well with the realistic story. This manga also depict The east-asian war front as terrorist organization also unnerving because anti-Japan imperalism alliance is equated as terrorist organization make implication Japan is innocent and the rest of asia hate Japan without valid reason.

The only piece of evidence that i need to make me sure this is a Pro-America & Pro-Japanese manga is that the manga wouldn't reveal that America or Japan have done any shady thing till the end. But if you comment is true @Angris, that M-brigade would done voluntary defection, then this at least a decent manga.

Why not a great manga? Because this manga is sit on uncanny valley because 75% of the manga is very cynical and realistic yet we see an underage girl being tortured into animal as a moe/fanservice.

Another reason this manga aren't a great manga is the moral justification why magical creature shouldn't win and humanity shouldn't lose just explained as to maintain natural order. Yet in moral philosophy, that is equated as unreasonable appeal to nature. If this manga was mean for us to thinking deeper than the explicit layer, then this manga doesn't do a great job at that.

This comment and my opinion could change as the story progress futher. this was comment written at ch 44.
Nov 9, 2018
@Skepticium Not as shady? They were willing to sacrifice Nozomi for funding, they're torturing and brainwashing a kid to fight for them. That's about as shady as it gets. Even the simple fact that Iizuka cuts a key to Asuka's house and lets himself in indicates he doesn't give a shit about the law or her. It doesn't matter what he says about family, it's what he does that matters. By comparison, the Russian general in charge of Tamara isn't any better or worse. The Japanese used manipulation and guilt to push Asuka into fighting for them again, both her and Kurumi are still minors, again they used torture and brainwashing to conscript Nazani and Chisato. How is this not treating them like weapons? They may not have a magic MKULTRA device like the Russians, but they don't need one when good ol' manipulation and gaslighting do the same job on Nazani just as well. Chisato? Manipulation and guilt.

As for the east asian united front, we have no idea what they were up to. Kim Kanth knew a bunch of Babel stuff so he must have been a member, but his goons were just goons. There's no need to make assumptions about their purpose at this stage since he probably invented it as a cover anyway.

>The only piece of evidence that i need to make me sure this is a Pro-America & Pro-Japanese manga is that the manga wouldn't reveal that America or Japan have done any shady thing till the end.
They did, and i pointed it out already. The reason nobody in the manga is going HOLY SHIT WE WORK FOR BAD PEOPLE is because YOU are expected to work it out for yourself, you shouldn't need the characters to tell you. This series doesn't spoonfeed the reader, it expects you to pick this stuff up for yourself and a lot of the narrative and themes aren't spelled out for you. Like, Asuka literally just convinced herself that torturing people is okay. That doesn't mean it is. Nazani thinks she's much better off. That doesn't mean she actually is. Even if people do defect, they're not going to do it out of moral outrage, because every faction sucks just as much. Did it even do anything to make the Chinese look bad? So far it's just been the Russian military faction and the Japanese agencies.

>Why not a great manga? Because this manga is sit on uncanny valley because 75% of the manga is very cynical and realistic yet we see an underage girl being tortured into animal as a moe/fanservice.
This is deliberate. The shock/blood/torture scenes are supposed to put you alongside the character so you can get where they're coming from. We see Nazani getting tortured because this is Kurumi's daily routine, and Nazani matters. We don't see Kim getting tortured because neither he nor Makino matter that much, not because Kim isn't moe. Besides, it goes over the top because if it was 100% realism all the time, it would be grim as fuck and that's not really what he's going for. There's a lot of comedy.

>Another reason this manga aren't a great manga is the moral justification why magical creature shouldn't win and humanity shouldn't lose just explained as to maintain natural order. Yet in moral philosophy, that is equated as unreasonable appeal to nature. If this manga was mean for us to thinking deeper than the explicit layer, then this manga doesn't do a great job at that.
I honestly have no idea what 'moral justification' you're referring to here.
May 17, 2018

>They did, and i pointed it out already. The reason nobody in the manga is going HOLY SHIT WE WORK FOR BAD PEOPLE is because YOU are expected to work it out for yourself, you shouldn't need the characters to tell you. This series doesn't spoonfeed the reader, it expects you to pick this stuff up for yourself and a lot of the narrative and themes aren't spelled out for you.

Yeah you pointed it already, but as the writer was screenwriter of psyco-pass anime, i was disappointed because psyco-pass really get deep with moral philosophy and more had lot more explanation & more dialogue about moral philosophy. Maybe he change the tone for more subtlety. But i still dissapprove with the artist, mixing moe/fanservice and cruel realistic scenario is a no for me. Comedy itself not a problem, the problem was fanservice. There was a scene the M-Squad sniper using female butt M-Squad as rifle stabilizer, in realistic scenario they would use the back instead butt. The fanservice was cringe.

>I honestly have no idea what 'moral justification' you're referring to here.

Wait i will search it again and tell you the chapter.

Yeah maybe i shouldn't judge it too early, hopefully the antagonist had good motive.
Nov 9, 2018
@Skepticium I'm not sure how much of Psycho Pass he actually wrote, Urobochi loves his abstract philosophy so that was more likely his work showing through. Fukami seems to prefer thematic comparison rather than outright discussion.

>There was a scene the M-Squad sniper using female butt M-Squad as rifle stabilizer, in realistic scenario they would use the back instead butt. The fanservice was cringe.
I can see why that would annoy you, but your fanservice was my comedy. I think maybe you went into this expecting Urobochi and, well, you're not going to get it.
May 17, 2018
@Angris whoaa after i search Urobochi, that explain it why i don't like this manga too much and why i love Madoka. Never expected the psycho-pass have 2 screenwriter with different taste of realistic story. Yep, looks like i must search another Urobochi works. Everyone have different taste, good if you like this manga but it is my time to search another manga that suit my taste better than this. Thanks for explain it to me.

Edit: He also original creator of AldNoah Zero, that explain it all.
Active member
Jun 8, 2018
Damn wtf are all these tags all together, I can kinda assume how it'll be but damn son what a combo of themes/tropes.
Fed-Kun's army
Aug 5, 2019
If this is American comics than I could understand. But why Japanese too? 9/10 every manga portrait the Russian as evil and terrorist. Are Japanese writers all so high? Even I'm not Ru, I still feel kinda annoying. Boring villain. If things keep going like this, I bet phoenix (or whatever that girl called) will be the super hidden villain. 5 cents on it LOL 😆
Seriously, makin' story with the old poor political mindset only makes it damn-bored because viewer already guess what will going on next.

BTW, where is my yuri?

Fighting like crap, they create a superpower and then what? The solution is make kind of weapons that are able to anti it.
The story is kinda boring. Somehow, there isn't much anything to read. Most of the time, I only did the skimming to get the general idea inside the story. The motif isn't new, in fact, it has been used in a lot of movies or comics/manga. The writing is quite lazy with the abusing plot-armor - if you are protagonist, you will always win/live/unbeatable/OP. Everything seems way convenient for the MC. What should I expect something from this story? Yuri? Nah. I don't think so. The aspect I think it could give me a good vibe is the dramatic background of MC. That's all.
The only thing I could praise for it is art. I love the art, beautiful and diversity. I hope it could have something interesting later for me to change my opinion. But for now, its rating is 4/10.

God dammit! If they going to let me mastub then do it. Do it properly! Doing sth like half-NSFW doesn't make the whole story become SFW!
About the art style, for a second thought, BB is suck! Shiki-sama should send those asshole to hell already.
Are we going to have a version of Deadstroke in here?

I sense the commy vs capy in here 😝
The commy pretended-one-eye is double agent, simple story, so easy to guess isn't it.
As far as I can say, this is not a good material to please your lil'boy.

Some chapters should have it own tags such as: toture, lolicon, children abuse, mind break. Have I hang myself yet, me wonder?

I don't see any reason why yuri element should be added to the story? Does that mean anything to the story? To me, it doesn't. If we remove all the yuri scene, feeling one-side of the yandere nurse and subtext from those freak background characters, nothing changed (till now). Is it a bait to get more readers? I don't think it could work that way because no way you can c*m in half-page like this. Booo

I think now I get why this manga got an official English translation. It's mainly for advertising Jp culture. The main market is American.
They tried to use funny or cute art style many times in hardcore moments to reduce the stress of story. I think it graceless.
[Vol 8]
Nov 9, 2018
Why do really terrible ESL keep coming in here and making out this is some sort of propaganda piece? I'm not spending half an hour unpicking why most of that post two steps down is garbage, but still.
Sep 27, 2018
@yurirei "If this is American comics than I could understand. But why Japanese too? 9/10 every manga portrait the Russian as evil and terrorist."

Ummm, maybe because you don't understand geo-politics or history? Japan is a democratic, capatilist country like the US. They're strong allies even. Sure, I've seen some anti-capitalist, anti-democratic mangas but they are far fewer and even most of the ones that do don't really argue against it, they just critique Capitalism's many faults. As they say over here, Capitalism is that thing nobody likes, but no one's come up with anything better.

Secondly, and more importantly, Russia and Japan have been enemies for at least decades if not longer. You guys were at war with each well before WWII even started and they pretty much kicked your asses up and down the Pacific in the Russo-Japanese War to pretty much lay claim to the entire Pacific Ocean with the exception of the Americans who were on the other side of it. On top of that, is the fact that you have disputed Islands in the northen tip of Japan that you both lay claim to. They aren't quite as disputed as Senkaku Islands which you frequently hear about in the news because of their dispute with China over but they are no less important. So basically, Japan and Russia, at least politically are not really compatible. You'd best find another medium of entertainment if you want something to agree with like Chinese Manga's (forget what they're called). And before you get angry, I'm just laying out facts. I don't really want to get into a debate with you over Capitalism and Communism, I don't really care and don't have the time. You're probably the only one on here that cares. Most of us just want to talk about the manga and not dumb politics.

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