Mahousekai no Uketsukejou ni Naritai desu! - Vol. 3 Ch. 11

Nov 20, 2019
She will kill him for that some point.....her vengeance will be subtle....maybe she'll put salt in his coffee?
Nov 18, 2019
Gah. I feel so much for Hell. There's just that one kid that you spend so much effort on trying to beat. I haven't seen that kid in ages now, but still.
Sep 2, 2020
Thank you so much for the update!
I like this even with this ML. As for the FL, I can’t blame her for being dense since she doesn’t have any confidence in herself either, she doesn’t even consider herself a beauty despite the rare hair color and lastly it’s because of how Lockmann has been treating her so far.

I appreciate that story thus far like how their feelings will develop and how they mature as individuals. I just hope I can read till the end.

Also I’m liking and shipping Nike and the low-key prince, they give a dependable couple vibe to me.
Apr 14, 2019
I can fully understand why the FL is dense, after all ML never ever compliments her and usually takes her confidence down by insults. Fair that she see's him as an annoying rival cuz honestly his approach is so immature
Dex-chan lover
May 31, 2018
Oh how much of a dense ya are, Nunnaly… He's already telling the whole world that he loves ya XD
Mar 5, 2020
To anyone who wonders how someone can stand Rockmann (yeah I'm gonna use LN names lol), I will preface this by saying that if he bothers you to the point of dropping the story, I understand. However, if you're interested in hearing the POV of someone who does enjoy the story so far (and is reading the English LNs as they're translated), here's my understanding of their relationship. Putting the whole thing in a spoiler tag so it doesn't take up a bunch of space, there's no spoilers lol.

Although at first glance this appears to be the trope of "boy is rude to girl because he doesn't realize he likes her," the story is slightly more nuanced than that. It's actually a double up: boy is rude to girl because he doesn't realize he likes her + girl is rude to boy because she doesn't realize she likes him. This isn't a story of one-sided bullying - it's mutual antagonism.

Most people are aware of Rockmann's provocations, so I'll just list out Nanalie's, to show that it happens on both sides.

Some examples that made it into the manga.
(1) Ch 1. Upon their first meeting, Alois challenges Nanalie to a game of rock paper scissors, wins, and smirks. Nanalie... immediately decides that he's Public Enemy #1 and she never wants to lose to him ever again. Sure, he's a brat, but she knows him for two seconds and decides "okay he's my rival for all eternity."
(2) Ch 2. There's this really big panel of Alois smacking Nanalie right in the face; rude, right? Did you notice that a page earlier, she was actually the inciting antagonist of that situation, smacking the back of his head for no reason other than because he was there? We get him throwing the first punch later in the same chapter so I'd call that tit for tat; the story can't show every instance of them fighting, but it does clarify that both of them instigate depending on the occasion.

Some examples specific to the LN.
(1) Remember how Alois challenged Nanalie to RPS once when they first meet? Yeah, she challenges him to 100+ games after that. I've heard how "ladies don't start fights but they can finish them," but she just... keeps going lol. It fuels her even further into Rival Mode, even though she's the one asking for all these RPS combats in the first place.
(2) When Alois switches from a smile to deadpan earlier in Ch 2 before the flashback to their meeting, Nanalie thinks it's disturbing how he looks so expressionless - and then chimes in that he'd look creepy if he smiled at her too. It's a bit of "damned if you do, damned if you don't," because she doesn't like him so she won't like any way that he acts.
(3) It's not completely cut out from Ch 8, but most of the nuance is lost, so I'll put it here. In the manga, after the masquerade ends, Alois pats Nanalie's head and says he had fun, and Nanalie brushes it away. In the LN, it's described as this:
He adjusts his glasses with his middle finger, taps me twice on the head with his hand, and rubs my hair a little, as if it is entirely natural for him to do so.
I smack that hand away without a moment's hesitation. To have my head rubbed by this bastard! It's completely humiliating! Worse, it's insulting!
Right after I smack his head, he comes back and lightly, or actually, firmly, whacks the side of my head. Ouch. That hurt, you know?
There's something funny to me about how she reacts rather violently to him, only to complain when he retaliates. It gives me the feeling that she's a bit of an unreliable narrator, as the story is so often viewed through her lens (the lens of still thinking "I feel funny; I must hate him!"), meaning the narration is bent through said lens. The reactions of those around them, to me, are the more accurate determiners of what their relationship is more properly like.

Alois has realized his feelings, but Nanalie's still in Loathing Mode (thank you Wicked for the great song). They repeatedly bring out... not the worst in each other, per se, but the most childish in each other. All in all, one-sided cruelty resulting in romance isn't my thing, but I'm totally down for two stubborn idiots incessantly bickering for ages before they realize how they feel lol
Dex-chan lover
Oct 27, 2018
Although he was a minor character we might never even see again, I already like Victor about 100 times more than the ML. He was so honest and straightforward about approaching her, which of course got him punished because stupid reasons...sigh.
Jun 20, 2020
For once... I just wanna see Nunnaly beat Lockmann in something. Just because she’s always tried so hard in self improvement.
But thinking about it now, of she had not pre-gamed so hard she is probably on a similar level to him in this.

I get that he’s a tsun and that Nunnaly is kind of a dense and her rivalry obsession is a bit much but I think that I choose to side with Nunnaly. Considering how he nevers says anything nice without being backhanded and how he exclusively treats her meanly, normal people wouldn’t consider being in a relationship either. I don’t think the “he’s a tsun, it’s obvious he likes me” assumption makes sense anywhere where there isn’t big tsun culture.

Like almost ten years ago in middle school there was a boy who followed me around, threw basketballs at my head during PE and called me a b— a lot. Never spoke to that wacko freak once but he just kept on doing that until I went to the principal and counseler with my parents and a recording. Even now I think he just had problems and is a complete POS. It wasn’t cute.
As an adult I still think that guy was a little sh—.

I see the above point that Nunnaly is a bit unreliable as a narrator but there’s a point I wanted to add... Whenever there’s a childish exchange it seems like people around just feel bad that she isn’t receiving the feelings or teasing her about topics she’s clearly sensitive about. Honestly that would seem kinda frustrating after a while.
May 18, 2019
@OtomeAddict I agree with you.. we know he's a tsun because we're reading it as a third person lol

Tsun 2D bois are cute but dealing with a tsun irl is just nope xDD

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