Mairimashita! Iruma-kun - Vol. 21 Ch. 185 - The Evidol Games

Mar 5, 2019
@tblst It’s just based on speculation. What if he loses that ring somehow, or someone steals it/removes it? That’s why I ask those types of questions. Also because I don’t like when an MC has to rely too much on something external.
Active member
May 6, 2020
"I'm switching teams."

I see what you did there.

also pls be 4th member Clara, also how dare you call cinnamon bun iruma ugly. Also credit page lmao
Aug 10, 2020
@Intruvious I'm struggling to think of a reply to that childish comment but imagine judging someone based on who they like lol
Ah whatever. there are other longer, more in-depth replies to your comment that you choose to be ignorant and hate the whole series just because of a little representation. I'm not here to convince you to start supporting lgbtqia+ but just feel free to drop this series if you hate it so much, it really won't make much of a difference
Sep 14, 2019
.... Gyari is the type of person i dislike the most, like who are you to tell other person to stop doing thing they love ? But i am curious how the author will develop her character later.

And iruma is not ugly, you should get your eyes checked gyari.

Thank you so much for the translation!
Double-page supporter
Mar 14, 2019
Also because I don’t like when an MC has to rely too much on something external.
Unfortunately, I think this is a central theme within the manga. Ya know, basic shounen trope and what not.

Spoiler regarding why I think above
Iruma's trauma is him being alone again. Thus the author is deffinitely going to play with Iruma being outted as a human and him not able to use magic.

I still encourage you to read the manga because I whole heartedly believe it's very good, but if you're against it, I understand. Maybe a shounen about a somewhat dumb but very cheerful and high spirited samurai protagonist smashing oversized bugs and winning the hearts of 3 ladies. The series isn't as good as Mairimashita but certainly good in it's own right. And the protagonist becomes stronger with every passing arc. The name is Mushibugyo
Jun 14, 2019
Edit: yeh, I deleted everything. To the dude I was responding to, yehno not gonna teach you the language of LGBTQ+ or any nuance so you can continue your bigotry. Even if you say you're "recovering," yehno you're not.

And fuck it, yeh, the new character is an awesome lesbian. Mebbeh she'd even end up with the idol chick but not in the weirdly assaulting way in the beginning. Judgement on my part was too early, and jury is still out if the explicitly LGBTQ+ characters are token or actual characters. Hell... I'm down to simp for her uwu

But how dare u say irumi isn't beautiful, go hekken show her, gurrrrrl :3
Group Leader
Dec 13, 2019
this is why reading in order is important. about Iruma and the ring is explained in chapter 175:
the ring and Iruma can't live without each other
there's also a scene in the flying race arc where Kalego almost blew off Iruma's hand just to get rid of the ring (early chapter and got animated as well). I don't think Iruma's hand will go anywhere unless the author decided to turn this fluffy manga into gore.
Aggregator gang
Aug 25, 2018
"Hi, I'll definitely make you happy by forcing you to give up the thing you love doing! Also by introducing myself as being the exact same character archetype as the male shoujo manga womanizer douche, who just happens to be a woman. But, no, trust me. Bonus points for trying to force my orientation on you, despite there being no indication that it matches yours."

These characters are obnoxious, completely irrespective of their gender or orientation. Looking at the number of comments on here(I am not even going to read this thread, I just smell a shitstorm), I suppose I should pre-empt a possible argument and getting 500 mentions. I don't care that she's a lesbian. I care that she's shallow, forceful, and doesn't take her romantic interest's feelings into consideration at all. As I stated above, it's the exact same archetype as the trashy male characters in low tier shoujo manga. I've really liked this series so far, so the author may completely surprise me. I'd love that. This was just a very poor impression.

P.S. Iruma cute as fuck in all forms. You are blind.

P.P.S. God, this comment got long. I'm "that guy" now. Sadness.
Mar 5, 2019
@octhan Yeah, it seems like that won’t happen. Because, the hand, and with it the ring, going would essentially mean he dies, according to what you said.
Dex-chan lover
Sep 1, 2019
Um, I’m pretty sure all the people talking about how great it is that Gyari is a lesbian would rightfully recognize how scummy she is if she was a man who went around with a harem of swooning people he flipped into heterosexuality.

Gyari is very clearly a superficial, shallow and egomaniacal figure who feels entitled to get whoever she wants just because she wants them and actively sexually harasses them and everyone around them.

In all honesty, she’s a creep, a womanizer and a self-obsessed weirdo that’s little better than a gender flipped Harvey Weinstein. She’s not some champion of LGBT rights. Legitimately, if she were a man, she would be the embodiment of toxic masculinity according to some.

It would be like idolizing Gaston as what a man should strive to be. Not only does it severely miss the point, but it undermines the fact that these characters are definitely not something that we should do anything but scorn.
Double-page supporter
Mar 14, 2019
This is manga is a good read, w/wo the weaksauce LGBTQ+ representation. Demons can be ghey, now back to the plot :3
Can't agree more (though probably for the opposite reason)

But I personally won't hesitate to claim this for the girls, gays, and theys if it causes ppl butthurt just because it's popular and not your standard manly man's hero's journey and has some LGBTQ+ characters.
I'll duel ye for the honor of all straight men who likes this series. Though I argue that Iruma-kun follows the hero's journey perfectly ( I can elaborate if you want to hear it). Also the Hero's journey is gender neutral by nature, as in it shouldn't matter if it's male or female (though psychologists smarter than I may argue differently).

(Also were people as butthurt when that other gay music dude appeared?)
yea, but I got over it, can't let a fruitcake ruin my love for the series.

Ftr, you could just google WLW? It literally just stands for "women loving women," kinda like a more inclusive term than just lesbian, tho also has its own issues cuz nonbinary/demigender exists and all that blah blah seriously do you need someone on the internet to write it out for you when Google exists?
in hindsight, I could just googled WLW, but talking about it here is far more interesting. Anyways what's less inclusive about the term Lesbian than wlw? Is it because it was coined by the bigots? Does lesbian inherently do not include other iterations of women? I am absolutely curious why one term is less inclusive than another. And clearly even wlw fails as a term because it doesn't include.... whatever you said there. Is there an even more inclusive term? why not use that?

And good on you for recognizing your own phobias/bigotry, but it doesn't mean shit if you don't put in the work/expect others to feed you wokeness. I'm tearing into you because as a nonbinary pansexual BIPOC transfem, I still have learned (and pretty bad) bigoted and phobic thoughts/reactions within each of those categories, yet I'm not making it fully others' problem to educate myself on the simplest things like acronyms... Talk is fine,
Poe's law is a bitch as always

Talk is fine, but you gotta show some internalized interest if you wanna join in.
Nah, I'm comfortable with my sexuality, thanks for the offer tho.

Tho that note on Gyari coded as a lesbian is pretty legit... Coding gay characters as predatory and promiscuous in non-LGBTQ+ focused content is a tale as old as time... Insert something about othering LGBTQ+ ppl as actively attacking *ghasp* traditional family values *\ghasp* and preying on women because men can be really butthurt about rejection here.

Huh, that's an interesting outlook. Maybe the series isn't as progressive as people think it is. Perhaps we should investigate further.

Gyari could also easily be seen as bi too tho, because the usual trend with this kind of arc is that they fall in love with MC, realizes MC identifies as man, shrugs and keeps a crush going.
Gyari has yet to shown something like that, but author-sama has followed tropes before, so I suppose one could view it as that way.

Honestly, I personally have issues thinking of this manga as having good LGBTQ+ representation, as the two explicitly LGBTQ+ characters so far have relied on the villain stereotyping of LGBTQ+ ppl crutch, and shouting "love knows no gender" in one page does not cancel out its existence.
I agree, in fact there are mangas that are more explicite and depicts LGBTQ+ characters in a more positive light, such as:

Maybe LGBTQ+ allies should be more prominent in supporting mangas with strong and obvious LGBTQ themes rather than shounen manga that only fails to depict LGBTQ people correctly and prominently.

But with gender, it's been ok. Like Iruma has shown some comfort with dressing femme... Tho mebbeh it's also his codependency/me forgetting some point where Iruma manly mans to prove he man XD brains are weird
Opera is a more shining example of this, though it goes only as far as looking somewhat female but also having androgynous features. So far it continues to be disputed whether or not He/she/Xer is a male or female.

I already made an entire piece about Iruma cross dressing, so i'll spare you from that.
Double-page supporter
Mar 14, 2019
I... completely forgot about that... please excuse me while I hang myself in shame.

I just smell a shitstorm
It may be full of shit, but boy is it fun.

I agree with your arguments, but I can't shake off the feeling Gyari's gonna turn a new leaf and be a better friend for korumi (one I welcome as long as the author doesn't make her more unlikable than she currently is, See Tsugumomo's catgirl in the isekai arc)

P.P.S. God, this comment got long. I'm "that guy" now. Sadness.
Hey I'm "that" guy too, I'm happy to find one of my own

not gonna @ the dude because this part I did for laughs

Um, I’m pretty sure all the people talking about how great it is that Gyari is a lesbian would rightfully recognize how scummy she is if she was a man who went around with a harem of swooning people he flipped into heterosexuality

Gyari is very clearly a superficial, shallow and egomaniacal figure who feels entitled to get whoever she wants just because she wants them and actively sexually harasses them and everyone around them.

In all honesty, she’s a creep, a womanizer and a self-obsessed weirdo that’s little better than a gender flipped Harvey Weinstein. She’s not some champion of LGBT rights. Legitimately, if she were a man, she would be the embodiment of toxic masculinity according to some.
eh, I wouldn't say the peeps here consider her a champion of LGBT rights, they're just desperate to cling to any semblance of LGBT characters without properly analyzing their characters. but aside from that. Yup.
Active member
Sep 11, 2019
I wouldn't mind those 2 eing together if she had another personality. NO ONE has the right ot tell you what you can and can't do, being a couple or not, she wants her to quit doing what she loves more just becasue she wants to be the one shining and enjoying while she is secluded to just her

Besides, who's to say that she won't leave her once a cutest talented idol appears. She's superficial and seems to not respect personal space either. I hate people full of themselves but most of all people that mistake love with temporal desire and don't actually understand when a rejection is definitive. You can't just obligue a person to love you
Dex-chan lover
Sep 1, 2019
I would assume they're astronomically small in comparison to the majority of the population. There will always be a small subsect of the population that, no matter how much you spell something out, will actively take the wrong message away from it. Like the people who idolize serial killers.

To be fair, I've met more men that want Gaston to fuck them than I have women, so maybe that's apart of it? I don't know.

At least Gaston is attractive, and actually has done shit, unlike Gyari
Instrumentality Instigator
Super Moderator
Jan 29, 2018
This thread has forced me to read more comments in a day than I have in the last month. If you people don't stop reporting comments for bullshit reasons because you don't like their opinions, I will lock this thread and remove reporting privileges from offenders for a month.
Sep 11, 2020
This bitch fr called Iruma ugly? Her personality's pretty much Sabnok before character development. If they handle her well she could become a pretty good character, but right now she's an asshole through and through.

EDIT: @Zephyrus damn, is it that bad? My condolences to the mods

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