I feel so sorry for Iruma.. I can't believe this 😭 it was hard in the human world, and now it's getting hard in the demon world, too many people know his secret now, this is not well...!! Iruma should never be scared like that or cry, I don't want to see him sad, only happy, he doesn't deserve sadness or unhappiness. I'm so sorry 😭 I want you to be surrounded by your friends and eat loads of good food, not try to fight for your life in the demon world.!! Please thrive and survive, Iruma!!!! I want you to be safe and protected always !

Thank you for saving Iruma, Amaryllis, I'm so grateful for you, thank you for giving that man what he deserved and slapping him, love you so much, SLAY
I knew she noticed he wasn't doing well when he looked so scared and she just looked up smiling.. you are our protector, thank you!