Majo no Geboku to Maou no Tsuno - Vol. 9 Ch. 53 - The Witch's Servant and the Long Put Off Talk

Aggregator gang
Feb 23, 2019
Whoa, go Rei! Confessing everything like that, so brave.

A love that surpasses gender.
One of the reasons why I love this so micb is how to explores LGBT and Gender identity themes, while still being cool and funny.
Active member
Jan 5, 2020
Oh dang! I always thought the "playing seal" thing was odd in the way it was framed with Rei looking in the mirror, just didnt feel like playing seal. Good callback.

But as a diehard rei x lloyd shipper this hurt but was still really wholesome that Rei finally felt comfortable enough to tell Lloyd.
Fed-Kun's army
Apr 21, 2018
God this manga is so GOOD.

So my take on Rei's speech, I think there's an argument to be made both for Rei being a trans woman and for being non-binary (Neither a man nor a woman, as one commenter put it) but I am leaning heavily towards Rei being a girl. There's been a lot of pull between what Rei wants and what others wanted for her. She was expected to be the heir for her family, one of the most famous in Hyperborea, something only possible if she were male. She also, prior to Eric's explanations of sexuality and gender, had a hard time reconciling her sexuality with her gender, given that it's implied here that she likes both guys and girls. Then most crucially this distance between her and Lloyd that opened up when Rei became female, where Rei said in previous chapters that she stopped seeing him smile. None of these to me feel like she has a desire to be masculine, just that she feels a responsibility to be, like how Lloyd feels a responsibility to marry Rei but clearly isn't romantically interested in her.

On the contrary, everything about this chapter and previous ones indicate her being a woman. Fairly early on after Eric explains what trans people are, Arsenio looks at Rei and muses "The heart of a female, huh?" And a few chapters later Eric admits part of their reason for turning into a woman is to better understand Rei. Now some might balk at using what other characters say to determine Rei's gender identity, but keep in mind its a story written by an author, and everything is put there for a purpose, and I think the purpose here was to prime readers towards viewing Rei as a woman. Then more crucially is all of what's shown on this chapter. Playing bride, wanting to wear her sisters' pretty clothes (which has been mentioned before this chapter too), living as a woman in that flash back and being happy doing so, and most crucially wanting to stay a girl so badly that other spells could not successfully turn her back. These all scream a desire to be female, and I think her line after that is more in reference to not wanting to be seen as a different person now that she's a woman, the way Lloyd had done when they were younger. Rei is Rei, same as before even though she's a girl.
Apr 22, 2020
GOD I LOVE THIS MANGA SO MUCH. I literally refresh the page every hour just to see if there’s any update 😭 thank you for blessing us with the scanlations!
Dex-chan lover
Jan 31, 2018
@qulandoris to add to that list, Eric points out that he already understands Rei as his fourth sister and not only that the spells won't work due to her desire for them not to, but she's relieved when they didn't work.
Active member
Apr 16, 2018
Get the fuck outta there Lloyd, they'll hunt you.

that's aside... whichever way this'll go down, I'm in anyway.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 13, 2019
when support both ships...

.... i'm gonna become admiral and got my own fleet!!!
Dex-chan lover
Sep 2, 2019
Hell yeah Rei just be yourself don't let ANYONE tell you what you are if they pretend to be on your side, you will find more happiness by being yourself rather than any label other people put on you.
Dex-chan lover
Nov 12, 2019
I'm really glad they acknowledged that Rei's take on his own gender is nuanced and a little messy, settling into the nb camp. Just. Aaaaaaaa I love this comic
Feb 9, 2020
Some times my heart skipped a beat for Lloyd arsenio and I knew.....

My body yearns for a ghost ship.... since sauro arsenio is fucking legit as hell my body immediately seek out some dead ship to torture me

Dex-chan lover
Mar 10, 2019
Lmao Lloyd, run ahah

At this point, Arsenio just needs to marry both of them.

And Lloyd can finally realize his own feelings for Eric!
Dex-chan lover
Aug 16, 2019
And so the greatest alliance was formed. The dual of Rei and Sauro, determined to take the horns of the demon king as proof of their love for their beloved.
Meanwhile Arsenio is wondering how his words got interpreted as such.

@SilverSun Funny that. You'd never suspect it coming into this story.
Fed-Kun's army
Mar 15, 2019
Be it female or male, Arsenyo is the best wife lmao

Thank you for the amazing translation!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Fed-Kun's army
Jul 16, 2018
Burned at a stake tho... im a sadist but stake burning is too far
Wayy too far

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