The Witch's Servant and the Demon Lord's Horns

Jan 28, 2020
Oh my ghad this is like the cutest manga I've seen in a while. I stumbled upon it on accident and I am just to glad that I did
Feb 11, 2019
@MadRubicant your reading to much into it. the tags it has now are correct, Also if you notice the big Shounen Ai tag. thats the Gay / BL tag, and the Genderswap tag is used for a reason. Adding an LGBQ tag is unnecessary as we already have tags that state these things. also the tags are from 2 decades ago as they are the tags used Overseas in eastern countries where most of the stuff on mangadex comes from.Sorry to go off on you but i felt like you needed to know these things
Jun 27, 2020
Honestly, I’m pretty glad they had to put new chapters on hold. It made dropping this easier. I really enjoyed it, but it stagnated and I’m sick of the will they won’t they stuff and it seems like it’s leaning towards arsenio and rei and the age thing grossed me out so I think I’ll be done with the series. Also the over explanation of lgbt stuff got tiring. Yes, we know gender and sexuality do not depend on sex at birth. We heard it the first 6 times in the story.
Feb 11, 2019
@BeenSwotted the main reason there is no tag for it is There are only a few and i mean a very few number of the type of manga your talking about As Japan normally doesn't make it alot to the point of it not needing it's own tag
Jun 17, 2020
Arsenio is in such denial in chapter 30, the pain is real.

Edit: this needs Shoujo ai tag.

I hope there's more of this, its gold, I just hope ars dates the older brother or his childhood friend, 9 years is way too much of an age gap.
Active member
Jul 16, 2018
Is it shojo ai? Yes
Shounen ai? Yes
Straight? Yes
Romance? Yes
Confusion? Yes
Hotel? Triviago
Active member
Jan 19, 2018
This is one of the most surprising manga I've ever read, and I mean that in a very good way. What starts off seeming like a gag manga turns into a touching (but still funny) examination of love, gender identity, loyalty, friendship, prejudice, tolerance... I could go on. It doesn't forcefeed it to you, but if you have ever felt like who you want to be isn't who other people expect you to be (and really, who of us hasn't felt that) then at least something in this will probably pluck a few heartstrings. Meanwhile, plenty of guffaws to be had, and some decent action, too!

Oh, and if you tried to chart the potential love interests you'd need a flow chart. A big one. If you're into that sort of thing.

(P.S. There used to be quite a few more chapters up but 50+ have up and disappeared recently. Not sure why. Oh well)
Dex-chan lover
Nov 17, 2018
@yukichigai our definitions of "forcefeed" must vary wildly, because every time it goes off and starts lecturing it's horribly done and forcefed to us the readers, rather than it be naturally done. Even the characters' personalities shift when they start lecturing.
Apr 7, 2019
read the prequel first on accident and that was kind of a mistake. Major spoilers in that but I’m kind of glad I did because I don’t think I would have stuck around in the first few chapters of this if I wasn’t already invested in Arsenio and Sauro’s story
Jul 20, 2018
I wasn't a fan of the first few chapters and initially dropped this but the prequel made me pick this up again. It really gets a lot better, this is the manga I look forward the most to updating now.
Fed-Kun's army
Apr 19, 2019
@kanozo @Reina001 not gonna lie, the only reason I even gave a chance to this story - because I was worried it was some loli stuff at first from the look of the firstt cover, and those first chapters didn't help with Rei and the Demon King - is because I saw these covers in addition to those of the prequel:

It just seems like it was going to get deeper and much more interesting later on, and that sure was right, I have no regret. But yeah I would understand if someone would get put off by the beginning, it's just not very representatif of the whole story. I'm curious to know how the process was, if it was Mochi who wanted to change by themselves the direction of their manga or if they got some good advice by some good editor?

Still I could do without the tentacles scene later on :p
Feb 20, 2020
Ahhh, I'm so moved thanks to this last chapter... Betty was the first person to accept Arsenio in his "monster" form, she taught him how to love himself and to live again.
I never ship these two romantically because the age gap, but if Betty was older, I would do it.
I am in love with this manga.
Aug 27, 2020
Glad I read the comments and the prequel. The beginning was really rough but it gets so much better later on!

Can I ask for recommendations here? Does anyone know more mangas/novels that have something like Arsenio and Sauro's relationship? Shounen ai, shoujo ai, straight, or no pairing, doesn't matter. I just really love the combination of angst and fluff those two half going on.

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