@Serenata There is a rule against spoilers. This is not a good justification for denying having the translation of any chapter.
There are people that want to just see the last chapter, and if they don't like it, be done with the manga.
People getting "discouraged" is on them - they do not own the series by any means.
Are there trolls that possibly do this out of spite? Possibly.
I still think that mangadex is doing the right thing by remaining neutral.
It wasn't meant to be offensive towards you. But you surely realize that fighting over this is unproductive.
It's just unnecessary drama. If you actually believe a group is trolling, all the more reason to ignore them, instead of doing the exact opposite.
Censoring releases is a slippery slope, which I am very happy was not taken by the admins on here. Distancing themselves from the drama
and remaining neutral is one of the best decisions. This whole thread is in fact them trying to appease users through this feature,
though I believe the actual problem here is of a different kind.