@agtra- You got lucky, I'm getting off for the night so don't expect a comment any time soon after this.
But, to answer your question, I don't use any hentai/porn shit on my comp. I use it all on a second (cheaper) tablet I bought and use apps for this stuff. So, long story short, I can't link it to you. All you need to do tho is, type in Maken ki on a hentai/doujin site and search through it till you find the art that is exactly like this. Or, for better sites, just type in his actual author name and search. I hear nhentai is pretty good with stuff like that.
Anyway, basically every doujin the author for this manga has made, about his own manga, is netorae; hence my comment. Shouldn't be too hard to find. Good luck and sorry for the lack of link's (wouldn't really have it anyway, since, as I said, I don't read them.)