... These guys were right about the kid, yet the comments are full of everyone lambasting them as though these guys are the villains.
Three fully grown adults, clearly not poor or malnutritioned (and with a steady income, no doubt, as merchants) violently savaging a street urchin? If we're talking realistically, that kid would be dead. Even if he managed to crawl away he'd be bleeding internally and would die of his wounds in an alleyway somewhere, and the only regret would be that his corpse left a smell. Even if somehow he miraculously survived getting stomped out viciously and kicked TWENTY FEET HALFWAY THROUGH A STALL, his body would never properly recover, with misshapen bones and damaged muscles, brain damage.
Y'all are some edgybois if you think that's fine and that Elk is right about the situation. If those three fully-grown men could kick that child to death, then they had all the power in the world to hold him and take the item back from his hand before letting him go. They weren't seeking justice for themselves, they were venting their anger on someone who couldn't fight back. Guarantee they wouldn't try that against someone stronger than them, or who had even a slight chance of being able to kill them if pushed too far.
Maybe the rest of Blue Justice's actions can be extreme, for all we know the others they steal from are also well-off, or at least have steady income, and they only redistribute to the poorest who can't survive long enough to get back on their feet. We don't know, but you people are all assuming the other merchants (the richest class aside from nobility in any setting) are poor and struggling victims. Not because it's the only logical assumption to make, but because it fits your derision and supports your idea that these people are wrong. Wait until we have more information, and maybe think more like human beings rather than edgy manga characters.
Or hypocrites like Elk. Who was so happy when Minato saved her, when she didn't deserve to be saved? When he had no reason to risk himself or stick his neck out to do anything for the person who tricked and stole from him? Oh... it was Elk. Who fell in love with Minato who did this for her? Elk. Who appreciated someone coming to her rescue heroically? Elk. Who told these people who do the same thing Minato did for her that they were stupid for trying to save a child who was being kicked to death out of anger, and should just mind their own business? ... Elk.