Maken no Daydreamer - Vol. 7 Ch. 40

Dex-chan lover
Jun 8, 2018
Wonder what other LHtranslation mangas are going to get picked up. They used to be so good at keeping a schedule.
Sep 9, 2019

The history of slavery isn't a special interest of mine. But i have read a fair bit of both general and economic history so in the context of slavery in Europe and to some extent the new world, i consider myself decently well read.

Firstly, the only issue i had with the portrayal of slavery in this manga was the lack of debt slaves.

My problem is with the attitude and justifications that the mc has. He is a modern person, seeing people being led away in chains, and this doesn't faze him at all. Instead he just says that abolishing slavery would be bad, so he can just ignore it. Societies have abolished slavery while being in a comparable situation to this fantasy world, assuming roughly medieval Europe level of development.
Active member
Aug 8, 2018
Good to see a release, thank you.

Glad it came with the usual insecure people who feel the need to remind people that slavery is bad. I understand that the depiction triggers their conditioned guilt, but I don't think people are arguing for its retrun, so the reminder seems more self-serving.
Dex-chan lover
Sep 10, 2018
mr nguyen is everywhere, mangs. also i can't remember much about this series after so many months 😵just that this guy got reincarnated as a baby and a succubus adopted him in the forest. then when he became a teen she tested him by letting herself get kidnapped. after that, she disappeared from their house and left a note to tell him to go explore the world. he has other adopted siblings who are hundreds of years old. i think that one girl he calls sister is like a guild master in the first town he went to? don't remember who all the other characters are.
Dex-chan lover
Aug 10, 2018
Honestly, this is one of the most egregious examples, in that it doesn't simply accept that "this is just how things are.” It tries to justify it. "See, they're scum that belong like this. You're a total chump for trying to challenge that." Anyone writing that kind of nonsense should absolutely be embarrassed.

In fact... yeah, I'm out. I don't have the time or patience for this foolishness.
Double-page supporter
Sep 10, 2019
> Name on map: Trywepln
>Pronunciation: Tron

Must be Welsh.
Double-page supporter
Jan 20, 2018
@Amyliazora the MC doesnt care really because of his world view it was pointed out in early chapters that he doesnt really care for the world and views it as an outsider just observing it so to him its just a thing happening but not something that an outsider should act on
Fed-Kun's army
Feb 5, 2018
"No, they were no such universal rule. Typically an eldest son would inherit the father's business. However, it's entirely possible the business couldn't give livelihood to more people than one family. The rest would need to find their fortunes elsewhere."

you forget that dying was pretty common back then, people would hve many children to ensure the future of the family so yes they would all be trained for the trade. Of course if nothing happened they'd hve to look for work elsewhere.

"Sure, it was convenient with slaves, but at the end of the day, in the distant past most people lived from hand to mouth. You could pay pittance and still find workers. The situation was made even more straightforward in the places where being a vagrant (in a town) was a crime. You needed to have a job or be under someone's protection, or you would get into trouble with the law."

No it doesn't work as well, whenever temples, roads, and otehr buildings needed to be built, Slaves where the best bet, becus ethey could simply push the slaves to do any job, while hiring vagrants or just anybody wouldn't work as well as they could simple refuse a job that was too much for them to handle as individuals. Vagrants and others would usually work on smaller jobs.

"Eh. Only priests, bigger merchants, high officials, bankers, architects, philosophers, other aristocracy and such people had jobs that required formal schooling. The vast majority learned their craft through apprenticeship. In fact when the guild system developed (and overdeveloped), you couldn't even practice many professions without going through that. And the guilds decided when some town had enough masters of some craft. How to become an apprentice wouldn't be something to sort out in a single sentence."
Isn't that what I said though? That only nobles and the like had access to school? High Officials, Priests, Philosophers, most of them were either rich or were actual aristocrats.

"People dealt with coins as much as they could. Merchants preferred them, and when people from the countryside came to towns to sell their produce, they preferred them, although if they also needed to buy something and got a better deal by bartering, sure, why not. Still, like you said, depending on the country/province, it could have been more undeveloped. For example, it wasn't uncommon for farmers to pay their taxes in the form of whatever they were growing, be it crops, meat, butter, etc. One practical problem was the amount of money in circulation. Since it wasn't fiat money, the government needed silver (and gold) to create the money. There might not have always been enough of it."

That doesn't contradict my comment in anything, as a matter of fact it reinforces it. People usually lived in villages, unlike nowadays there wasn't many reasons for people to leave the interior and head for cities. Like I said people used money to buy thing from merchants, they got that money by selling their own products, obviously, but the necessities such as pots, food and tools they usually got that by trading products directly. As it was much easier since there would usually be local artisans in their villages, they would trade for forks and knives with Blacksmiths, for pots and tapestry with artisans, anything that wasn't available they woul buy from merchants with money, but it was totally possible to live without spending a dime, depending on whether a village or town had such products available.

"A slave always has an owner. Unless the owner has been killed, but then officials would figure out who inherits the slaves (unless a testament set them free). If nobody was around, I imagine the crown claimed them. If someone else's slave was killed for no good reason, the killer had to compensate the slave's worth to the owner, as slaves were property. Since few people actually were swimming in money in the distant past, you really didn't do things that made you lose money unnecessarily. Doing something and not being able to pay would be even worse."
Yes, a slave always has an owner, but that doesn't mean that slaves didn't escape or weren't illegally freed. My comment refers to these situtions. Slaves that escaped or were freed were usually treated like crap, I could even give you more modern examples of this happening, as in my country's history we did have things like this happening. There's even one guy who became pretty famous for that, and went about freeing other slaves, he became a national hero with a day dedicated to him. But I digress, anywy there were indeed ocasions where Slaves became "free" and were mistreated.
Fed-Kun's army
Feb 5, 2018
@lightng You're talking about a society that was already developed Latin america, and America are not good examples, your argument that Slavery was a thing because countries are lazy easily applies to them, because Slavery had not been a thing in a veeeeery long time in europe. Europens had already gotten rid of it, and the practice only returned because, like you said they were lazy, they needed laborers to work for them in the colonies, but didn't want to send people to live there and do it for them, that's why they brought back slavery.

This is not true however for the middle ages and before, where things were not as developed, where machines were more primitive and the world had a different set of values. In no point of my argument did I condone the use of slaves. I did however say that the practice was so ingrained in culture that it wasn't easy to get rid of it, that you couldn't simply free a slave and expect it to work, which is the case in the manga. Even if the MC stood up against it, he'd end up in the same spot as the Blue Justice guy, ignored. So yes the MC was in the right for not helping the guy as he could do nothing in that situation.
Also be reminded that those were times of war, where people would be captured as a prize, as a matter of fact many slaves were in fact enslaved in this way. It was also hard to end slavery precisely because of that, for example, let us use an example from the story here.
If you were to help one of the children sold by their own parents, what do you think would happen to that child? They cannot return home, you can't simply leave them to fend for themselves, and locl orphanages may be filled up already if there's a war going on at the moment. The child could end up being enslave once again. That is, If the child accepts your help in the first place.
lastly, you can make the conjectures you want and use all the examples in the world, it won't change the fact that regardless how unnecessary and which arguments you try to use. Depending on culture. You simply wouldn't have abolished slavery at earlier times. Just look at how long it took for it to be abolished, and they even brought it back later on.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 2, 2018
huh...curious choice of font

remember guys, stop bringing reality into a fantasy isekai manga. reality is shit as it is now, and no one wants that in their happy-go-lucky isekai manga
Mar 15, 2018
Another LH series that got picked up - sort of.

I used to donate a little given how much of their series I read, but after this and the Black Healer fiasco, I have cut any sort of money ties. I don't care how many titles you release, just make sure that they are good quality and on time! *Then* I can throw money at you.
Dex-chan lover
May 1, 2018
May be strange to say this but I wish I could try that drug. I've never been motion sick, not on the roughest boat rides, not on the bumpiest rides, not on the wildest amusement park contraptions, I have to wonder what that feeling I'm missing out of is like...

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