MangaDex v3 is coming!

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Power Uploader
Jan 19, 2018
@Chibin I understand what you mean. I also enjoy doing that. The way I do it right now is using the random manga code which directs you to This takes you to a random manga page. To get to another random page, just refresh. Hope that helps :)
Jan 18, 2018
Looks great, but please add an option to hide "Featured titles" and "New titles".
Mar 23, 2018
I daresay it's too late for this to be feasible for this version, but I'd love to be able to order search results by the length of the manga, as well as filtering by completed/uncompleted status.
Jan 24, 2018
i prefer something simple but im always open to some improve on the site

and it looks great only need to seeif it run good on my shitty laptop
Jan 18, 2018
I haven't really read the whole thread so maybe it was already mentioned and I don't really know if it's the best place to suggest things so I apologize in advance, but I want to post one thing. There's the hide header option in reader. What I'd actually prefer is maybe an option to have the header stick to the top of the page and be scrollable like the rest of the site. Now I use the option to hide header before reading chapters and after I'm done reading I need to toggle it again and it's irritating.
Apart from this I deem the new version to be a good change.
That's all. Thanks for reading I guess.
Jan 18, 2018
Could you check your beta reader settings? Maybe the difference in the bigger size you liked was "fit display to width: and the beta smaller size was fit to "container" or "height".
Jan 18, 2018
Desktop, on chrome browser...

Ah, if I wasn't clear enough by "stick to the top of the page" I mean top of it literally and not top of the screen. When you scroll down you want top hidden and to see the bottom of the page. I guess I'm not explaining it well since I'm not eng native speaker, but I hope it was easy to understand from the start.
Custom title
Jan 19, 2018
@montalexus posted:

There's the hide header option in reader. What I'd actually prefer is maybe an option to have the header stick to the top of the page and be scrollable like the rest of the site. Now I use the option to hide header before reading chapters and after I'm done reading I need to toggle it again and it's irritating.
Yeah, this is a decent point and something that troubled me too. On the mobile layout however it would be considerably more simple, and I might make the hide header option do exactly that, but unfortunately I'm not sure how to address it on the desktop layout. I've changed the sidebar to stay fixed even on fit height/no resize, and making the header disappear on scroll would create annoying extra scrollbars.

On the other hand, there are some ideas that might mitigate the need to use the header bar in the first place, but those aren't ready yet. We'll see.
Mar 21, 2018
@Noms I'd tried fit to width and the page filled the whole screen. Anyway it has been fixed now (I think).

Edit: Found a bug on mobile ver. The titles on follows page are cramped.
Jan 22, 2018
Any chance of preloading the next title's cover on 'Featured titles' for a smoother transition? It was the first thing I noticed on the new homepage.
Jan 27, 2018
Can you replace the comment section with the disqus comment section?? I mean, the conversations and replying is more convenient and fun that way dont you think?
Feb 13, 2018
Couple things that I noticed:

- The main page looks a bit cluttered, but since I never go there, I don't really care or mind. I don't really see any need for "Latest comments" and such. But I frankly don't understand what is the main page for anyway. I have my Follows page bookmarked so I always go straight there.

- Big issue I have is with the navigation bar. You see, I use 13" tablet (2in1) in portrait mode and right now I can always see the Follow button on the navigation bar ( I had to make the website like 80% of it's size, but it works fine). This is useful when I finish reading latest chapter of something, I can easily click the Follows button again and see what else I haven't read yet. In V3 the buttons are hidden behind the hamburger button, requiring me to do one more click. If I resize the page to 80% like I'm used to, the sidebar with the options shows up on the side instead of the top. This is really annoying.

- Another issue with size is the Follows page. I will let the screenshots speak for themselves (dark is the current MangaDex, white is V3). Issue is obvious. There is padding all over and the text doesn't expand the rows. This also illustrates my previous issue with the navigation bars.

- And lastly, I'm not a fan of the changed reader behaviour. My usecase is such that I often hold the tablet with my left arm, so I really can't touch the right side of the screen to move pages. I much prefer the old system where tapping anywhere would go forward and swiping back would move backwards.

- The reader UI could use some polishing as it feels cluttered, but it's not too bad.

- And then there is the Edge/IE bug where reader doesn't work at all. I would be great if you could fix that, though I understand old Edge/IE users are in minority.
Fed-Kun's army
Jan 20, 2018
I really like the double page feature, but is there a way to hide the bottom bar? It's kind of annoying to look at. Having the option to hide the show sidebar button until you mouse over to the side would be nice too.
Jan 18, 2018
Just a small thing and hopefully it won't matter much with preloading anyway, but it would be nice if the previous page stayed on the screen until the next page loads instead of being blank with a loading icon. Personally I prefer this since it means I can at least look at something for a few seconds while it loads.
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