Page 15: uh... I think the proper word is "Breathe"
Breath: noun
the air taken into or expelled from the lungs.
an inhalation or exhalation of air from the lungs.
Breathe: verb
take air into the lungs and then expel it, especially as a regular physiological process.
"Seems like[1] it[2] cannot[3] breath[4]"
[1]: Intransitive Verb - it's complicated, but basically, it usually doesn't work as the main verb of a sentence. Yes, one could say "seems like it" as a response, but there's an implied verb, for instance, if it's in reply to the sentence "I think he's going to win the race", the response is treated as "seems like (he's going to win the race)"
[2]: Pronoun - does not work as a verb. Obviously.
[3]: Auxiliary Verb - adds to another verb, similarly to an adverb, but not the same. Does not work as a verb on its own. Yes, one could say "She cannot" but it, like an intransitive verb, implies another verb, usually given by prior context. "She cannot (perform that action)"
[4]: Noun - see Pronoun.
There's no verb, no action, state (of being), or occurrence, in that sentence. Meanwhile, "Seems like[1] it[2] cannot[3] breathe[5]"
[5]: Verb. Finally, something that works as a verb.