Maria no Danzai - Ch. 32 - Overtime

Double-page supporter
Jan 26, 2024
Chances for Kinugawa is dead for good after the previous chapter (He was still alive but near to death after be broken and called Okaya for help him) are clearly 100%. Things takes a interesting turn, with Yuda potentially mentored by Maria for protect his own mother from Okaya and Mutta eventual retaliation. Logically Mutta will be the next target before Okaya, although to this day we know few informations about him, including his role in Kiritaka's Bullying and his own skills in comparisons to others gang members. Potential twist could depict him like a very more dangerous ennemy that we thought before.
Just wish that we haven't not a worst conclusion like in Juujika no Rokunin.
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Dex-chan lover
Jun 12, 2019
I think maria has a soft spot because of the situation as she sees how the son is trying to protect her mom his own way, the same way his own son did.

Still I'm worried about fatso if this guy was violent then... I hope i'm wrong but... It's escalating
Dex-chan lover
Jan 28, 2024
We expected this from the start that Yuda is gonna drag Maria with him.
Call is psychopathic but Yuda is very narrow minded, very predictable, and has a lot more to lose.
Maria has cut every ties she has because any link that isn't herself can turn into a weak link hence she is doing everything by herself and thinking through everything making sure nothing leads to her.
Yuda went out after being a shut-in for so long after getting traumatized without getting any prior help. That shit doesn't spell okay most of the time and would raise suspicion. And just now, he just realized that even if he doesn't get caught, he will still get linked because he has history to the people that is getting murdered. It would be the best case scenario if the police caught him, but he is getting worst possible outcome by having Okaya noticing him. He still can't fight against Okaya. To Yuda, he is the "trauma" and he still hasn't gotten over it. He will instantly break, and now, Okaya has his mother in his grasp. That is on him and his short-sightedness.
Hopefully, Maria can drag the dead weight till she delivers her revenge to Okaya and the other guy.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 29, 2024
Okaya's whole summation was terrible. It is exactly what I expected after last chapter though. Here's hoping he dies at Yuca's hands in the next one or two, suddenly and without any preamble. Maybe a solid right hook, all Maria has time to teach, and smashing his skull open on a table corner?

Anything to avoid a manga kid genius.
Jul 8, 2019
I doubt that. Maria is a mother first. She is doing everything for her son and only her son. I don't think she would want her son's only friend to be hurt or his mother.
She might not want that, but if it becomes necessary for her revenge, do you really think she'll hesitate to use either of them? To their deaths?
Dex-chan lover
Aug 21, 2023
Its kinda funny how the reason why I start disliking this manga is the retarded wannaby revenger kid. Every single movie that has drama/thriller/etc in it and has kids in it also, has those kids do retarded shit and be hindrances/at fault for a lot of bad shit happening. Its often so obvious so annoying, that it detracts from the positives the movies/stuff had. And the same thing happens here, with a bit of "wannabe villain genius ass-pulls genius ideas out of nowhere" hinting at idiotic writing, and supposed training hinting at filler chapters to stretch and milk the story.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 10, 2024
I remember reading somewhere that the author said there’d only be like 15 chapters after this. If anyone was worried about this becoming another Juujika no Rokunin, it won’t. My best guess is that this training arc won’t last super long and that the remaining chapters will be Maria and Yuda taking about Okaya and Mutta in one fell swoop.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 28, 2023
Okaya being a 5head mastermind should have its limits lol. He should work as a fucking esper with those deduction skills that he pulls out of thin air. I know story needs to have SOME tension otherwise its just an adult going around killing bunch of highschoolers but c'mon...
Dex-chan lover
Aug 21, 2019
I can’t wait to see how okaya goes down. And then I want Maria to go after the bystanders. Burn the whole school down
Power Uploader
Jan 25, 2018
I guess we are supposed to be impressed by Okaya's suspicions being spot on, but his entire reasoning is an asspull. Dumb people writing smart characters.

You think so? I dunno, it seems the only people his clique have bullied to such an extreme as to invite revenge were Nagare and Yuda, so it would be natural for Okaya to suspect Nagare's parents by exclusion, since he's been keeping an eye on Yuda. I see no stretches of imagination in his reasoning.

If you what you mean is that Okaya is suspecting a third party out of the blue… hmm, yeah, it does seem flimsy. I mean, all he has to go by is that Kowase, Shikimi and Kinugawa's disappearances were expertly done and Iijima's was crude. But I've seen way worse in terms of leaps in reasoning.

If anything, the two random women talking about Nagare senior's incident in the middle of the street while Okaya is passing by is the more eyebrow-raising event in this chapter. Way too convenient.
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Dex-chan lover
Jun 6, 2023
Use him and let him get killed. Ngl, it would really solidify her motive. However I feel like the old her is still in there
Dex-chan lover
Jan 12, 2024
Agree to make Okaya's assumptions work author needed small moments like those with the police where Okaya is researching the disappearances. I believe he'd check up on Yuda's mom to see what's going on. I want Maria to use Yuda to divert suspicions.

Also thanks @adobongmanok420 for the translation!
Dex-chan lover
Nov 20, 2023
lol i guess chubby friend is just more of a follower/servant (wonder if their parents have some kinda connection) bc feels like most ppl would wanna skip over him and just take down okaya

Bro is not gonna be of any help 💀

Most unrealistic part of the story for her to 'train' him under an hour unless she gives him a weapon /poison or some kinda 'tactic' or so because i doubt he'd start throwing punches in front of his mom without her getting straight up kidnapped (if she doesn't just 'sacrifice' him)

Tho it would be interesting, 'violence revenge' aside, if she somehow convinced Okaya's dad of all ppl to turn against him/ruin his reputation first before torturing him

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