@chocolat It's not that unreasonable. The Kingdom Cuts ties with their country with the reason being the treatment of Olivia and him, she was told who they are, and word probably got around that oliva was picked up by a large Ship.
It's an implied statement, "If I were to ever receive word that Ishatalica would welcome me" She's keeping her identity hidden, so would likely not be straightforward in what she is saying either. But it can be seen as saying if I am welcomed I would come.
@Chocolat@Granitefish : Also, at the time the letter arrives its already more than 8 months since he is in Ishtalica. There may have been a bit confusion in the beginning from Hymes side, but after that time, with diplomatic ties cut ect it should be all clear.
....pillar men...... the fkn shopkeep Is One Of The Fkn PILLAR MEN....
had to vent this thought before i continue reading because i thought the similarities were hilarious
Ummm.... non spoiler version... Chapter 3 pg 13 in manga, was told straight up who Oliva was.
Its not hard to realize she and Ain would be at the castle in the capital.
Finding them is easy, its getting the letter to them that is difficult.
Spoiler Version
A LOT is left out from the LN that isnt mentioned in the Manga.
First off, Clune's grandfather knew the entire situation of Olivia, and also told Clune straight up, her peerage is not up to par compared to Ain, as they fully knew that he was a direct line of the king, and if he went back could possibly be crowned a prince of a country that made your country look medieval.
So Clune thinking she originally had too much peerage, was told later on she has too little by her grandfather even. lol.
So they knew Ain was even a Prince, before he did.
Nicely done old man, you managed to secure a direct contact with the royal family of an empire that just cut ties with your kingdom.
He basically would monopolize the right to negotiate with the empire