The only issues I would have is if her past of having sex with every guy that asked her out keeps coming up. And her personality itself. She clearly just had sex with them because they wanted her too and not because she actually liked them (based off of this chap anyway, for all we know it was the first BF that turned her into what she is).
I mean, that if anything is what (so far) is annoying about this. She's not even dating people because she likes them, but because they want to have sex with her and she doesn't even care. It got to the point that she expects to do kinky stuff on the first date and by the second already go to a sex hotel. That coupled with a virgin nerd who is probably going to need to deal with her past "boyfriends" and her experiences make it #feelsbad for the guy. It is a comedy tho, so maybe the author just got the ugly truth out in the first few chapters and after that is some fluff with her coming out of her shell. will wait and see how it goes down.
@jak I don't know why you immediately insulted the guy when 1) He never mentioned anything about her being a virgin and 2) he said if this was a HENTAI, and it's not anything new that hentai's featuring a promiscuous girl and nerdy virgin guy end up in some kind cuckold cheating scenario. Don't be retarded.