Meguro-san wa Hajimete ja Nai

Jan 15, 2020
This is a story about 2 complacent people improving themselves through love. It's cheesy, but it's cute. Though I guess I shouldn't expect a perfect, overwhelmingly masculine, testosterone-poisoned alpha male like you to understand what it's like to suffer from social anxiety and/or low self-esteem.
Dex-chan lover
Nov 10, 2018

The girl isn't a slut, she's a pathologically passive person with an undeveloped self image. Her sexual experience is a result of that, rather than self-directed. Her promiscuity is definitely a problem though, from a health and social perspective. She would be a prime candidate for psychological help to help her more positively define herself and her own attributes, rather than in relation to others. Her sexual self schema does not seem to include sexuality, which is abnormal; but she does recognise the impact her promiscuity has had on social interaction, which would indicate she has an understanding of sexuality and how that informs relationships. None of this seems to have affected her self esteem however, she remains socially competent and exhibits no anxiety or negative outlook. Her externally directed goals don't seem to engender resentment either, but this might be a problem given time, especially if her self image develops as it should. Her self-efficacy seems to be relatively high too, contrasted by her unwillingness to set her own goals.

tl;dr: She needs therapy and testing for sexually transmitted disease.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 9, 2020
@gronkle my dude i didn't know this was the psych ward, can i get a diagnosis?
but seriously
back-to-back bombshells gdi
with the third one all the way
the confession almost caught me off-guard
but koga is just too pure
mio's gonna hook up with flashy boy, i just know it
Dex-chan lover
Nov 10, 2018
@parkourse I only work for free for qt anime grils, sorry

@SpaceHina Thanks, that might be the first time in 8 years any of my psychology classes have come in handy.
Head Contributor Wrangler
Super Moderator
Jan 18, 2018

you and your mentality are pretty repulsive, and I can only hope you've never actually been in a serious relationship with a woman, with the way you think, I can't imagine you'd treat them well.
when you stop talking like a misogynistic shutin, I'll stop treating you like a misogynistic shutin.
the sooner you recognize you are a garbage human being with garbage beliefs, the sooner you can begin to better yourself.
oh I know I can't change your mind, you'll hatepost about women until the day you die alone. but I will say you're a terrible person, over and over again, to ensure you know that.
I only wish for you to improve yourself as a person, and not be trash.
it's not surprising someone like you wouldn't be able to understand or empathize with that.

Disagreeing over the actions of a fictional character isn't an excuse to throw around unwarranted personal attacks. Knock it off.
May 19, 2019
antagonistic 4chan chaff like angelonius or 25mg12

And we're back to ad hominems: the realization that your personality can be described in three sentences must've really fucking stung. You're npc-ish beyond memetic.
Apr 19, 2018
@25mg12 that you use the term npc unironically says precisely everything about you. I wish for you to be better, but I sense that you are unable. it is genuinely sad. I hope that you can one day become a good person, but I fear that is not possible. :(

perhaps the first step in your journey of becoming someone of worth, would be to log off.
Apr 19, 2018
I think you'll find most religions don't have particularly favorable views on women.

you fear accepting your beliefs are awful because it would by extension mean you are a terrible human being. but I believe you can do it, you can be a good person who can be loved. you're currently not, but maybe one day you will be. You can do it. You just need to log off and stop posting, and your journey will begin.
May 19, 2019
What a non answer you boring script machine. But I get it, in your world female genital mutilation and stonings are as bad as, for example, suggestion to remain chaste and promiscuity shaming. What a critical thinker.

Any other commands you'd wish to execute you cultural bot?
Apr 19, 2018
It's exceptionally strange you have pinned this religious belief on me when I have not indicated anything of the sort. While also claiming I'm a robot. You have out of thin air conjured up that I am a mechanical muslim, apparently. You lash out because you are afraid of accepting your beliefs are abhorrent. It's okay. Just log off and step away, begin to self-reflect, only then can you start changing yourself. You can do it, I believe in you.
Dex-chan lover
Aug 15, 2018
@gronkle Dude that is a great professional analysis, complete with technical jargon even. I actually had a hard time following some of that.

I would like to point out that the extreme passivity you mention, which I thought of as a sort of autism was what I found unsavory. But not by itself, the whole thing was worse when combined with what I felt was a need to please others to raise her own self image.

That's why I felt creeped out.

The other part I dislike is the oh so blatant wish fulfilment plot of "socially awkward nerd gets sexy low maintenance girlfriend with minimal effort, then saves and redeems her".

It's kind of on the nose.
Aggregator gang
Feb 16, 2018
I don't care what anyone says. Pretty obvious everyone is thinking way too deeply about this like this is on the par of Mark Twain or something. It's just a fluffy story with an odd synopsis. Cut and dry. Not your cuppa? Plenty of other manga to read.

Seriously, not sure why people are taking it so seriously like it's supposed to be great literature...
Apr 14, 2019
waiting for her ex to make an appereance
he will show up for sure to make the conclusion more good

im still thinking this story is only about a certain introverted youth trying to change in his last high school days
so break up ending seems pretty possible i think

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