Eh, given the way current events are going, this result is inevitable. We needed to transition to an ecologically, politically, and socially responsible form of economy and government late last century. At this point, it's not if this going to happen, it's when.
Human beings have evolved to be too stupid, lustful, proud, lazy and greedy to end up any other way. And the ironic thing is that thousands, if not millions of years of natural selection chose those tendencies in our genetics because that's what lead to more successful reproduction. Who says "Survival of the Fittest" can't spectacularly backfire?
Being greedy, horny, power-hungry, selfish, and only caring about your own children and no one else's is what allowed genetics to be passed down to the next generation (through reproduction) en masse and lead to larger and larger amounts of human beings being born and then survive to reproduce even more.
If you investigate the recent science behind this, there's more and more consensus about how being lazy (not moving around unless you absolutely have to) and a glutton (eating and storing fat in case of famine) were actually an advantage in the past, when manual labor was the norm, and food was scarce. We aren't evolved for the modern era, and like the movie Idiocracy explores, now technology has made it too easy for idiots and/or immoral people to reach adulthood and reproduce.