Mieruko-chan - Ch. 59

Dex-chan lover
Aug 15, 2020
The chapter was good, I don't wanna complain. But I somehow feel like this manga is not as interesting as it used to be for some reason.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 8, 2023
So, Lambda Rabbit is based on the Local Deity or The Deity changes based on what the locals believe

Anyway, If somehow the author made Anaguma Anaconda(?)/the wrestler to be someone with somekind of mystic power, I'll believe it
Dex-chan lover
Jul 26, 2023
When you thought Julia was going to show their powers, Hana got the upper-hand and overpowered her. She is simply the strongest, I can't fathom how many surprises she still has for us.
Unrelated, but you got some really based manga on the avatar😎
Dex-chan lover
Nov 18, 2020
They should really make a ghost encyclopedia ab this manga cuz I'm curious ab all the ghost that appeared for a few chapters lol
May 2, 2020
I would consider Mieruko making conscious steps to ultimately resolve her ability to see, and the fear that comes with it as "moving" the story. That hasn't happened once ever since the end of the whole cursed-mountain-shrine arc.
I made paragraphs about how Mieruko's taking the passenger seat in her own story to reply to you but I deleted it. I reckon you wouldn't be interested, especially if you're just trying to dunk on me for brownie points. Point is I think Mieruko's like a react streamer reacting to her own wacky wahoo life instead of taking the initiative to do something about it.

Like this guy for example. He wouldn't be interested in a genuine discussion, he's just here for brownie points. Came in replying with his pants so far up his asscrack assuming I want a shonen-esque story, meanwhile what I wanted was basically the protag making effort to resolve her conflict. The mystery is part of the charm of this series, so revealing and explaining stuff would just damage it. But that doesn't mean the protag should be a react character.
"I would consider Mieruko making conscious steps to ultimately resolve her ability to see"
but she's actually did make effort for that, she consulted to rom many times to understand the supernatural world better and she even tried to communicate to one because the possibilities there's good one out there but rom adviced her to not do that because it's way too dangerous for her especially her lack of experience. so what's the conscious steps that ultimately you think count as "moving"?
if it's not instant or whole it doesn't count ? can you elaborate on this?

"That hasn't happened once ever since the end of the whole cursed-mountain-shrine arc"
factually untrue as i just explained above

"but I deleted it. I reckon you wouldn't be interested"
oh please don't mind me, just write it down again since i love good argument

"especially if you're just trying to dunk on me for brownie points"
you don't know me and you already make an assumption out of thin air, have you seen me argue with people? can you point out which one of them i did for brownie point? i'm confused

"Point is I think Mieruko's like a react streamer reacting to her own wacky wahoo life instead of taking the initiative to do something about it."
oh and she did,care to elaborate on this point more about not taking initiative? i have my own eyes and i never seen miko just standing there doing a pog face and does nothing, so i don't understand what you trying to say here?
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May 22, 2019
Thanks for the chapter!

Typos & edit suggestions: @blankaex
  • p5 Nig-ure-dou -> Ni-gu-re-dou
  • p16 I'm not cut out to be medium... -> I'm not cut out to be a medium...
  • p19 some kind of girl that sees them -> [?]
  • p29 Power stones are like demon repellent -> Power stones are like a demon repellent
  • p37 S-so-rry -> S-sor-ry
Cheers, will take a look.
Dex-chan lover
Nov 17, 2020
Assuming this is being one-hundred percent accurate to how spirits are supposed to be like in Japanese lore, then the ghost just are. They exist/function on a different spectrum entirely. An example is the axe man on the train. He seems extremely violent, but he also takes ghosts that come on the train that seem to haunt people... but we also don't know the context of it. Does he do it because of moral reasons as the other ghosts are bad, or is it because he is, in a sense, reaffirming a territory or hunting ground, and none of the ghosts he takes fit into a single evil category?
They all seem to be focused on eating other ghosts, possibly to increase their own power, or maybe there is a different reason for it. Who knows. Either way, we just don't have enough context and probably never will.
My thought is that it's like animals. Some animals do things that harm us, some do things that help us, a lot of them do both depending on the situation, and none of them do those things because they're fulfilling some higher purpose or because they're "good" or "evil." They just do what makes sense for them. Also, some of them are adapted to exploit a specific niche.

I think axe guy's goal is to hunt and eat other ghosts, and he's adapted to doing that trains.
Fed-Kun's army
Jul 16, 2018
Maybe nothing will come of it, but I'm worried Hana made a "Deal" with the Park Kami like what happened with the Fox Kami. I don't think it had anything to do with maintaining it's territory and was just people watching until Hana made a request. Some variant of "Keep Julia safe", I assume & that's why it left the grappy ghost alone until it made a move on Julia. Hopefully her offering is enough to satisfy it
Dex-chan lover
Mar 15, 2023
Like this guy for example. He wouldn't be interested in a genuine discussion, he's just here for brownie points. Came in replying with his pants so far up his asscrack assuming I want a shonen-esque story, meanwhile what I wanted was basically the protag making effort to resolve her conflict. The mystery is part of the charm of this series, so revealing and explaining stuff would just damage it. But that doesn't mean the protag should be a react character.
Claim that you want a genuine discussion, then immediately hand out low brow insults. :lol: And that's after your original post was just a complaint about the plot not moving forward.

Discussion: Sure, let's see...
  • There are different genres, which have different rules. Horror goes with a feeling of helplessness. (Vs what I would call "Action Horror", e.g. an anti-monster spec ops team. This is pitched to different audiences and/or emotions.) Clearly Mieruko is closer to normal horror because she herself has almost no defense of offense against them. All she has is endurance.
  • There's also "Slice of Life" which is primarily about living with no big plots, just fairly normal life. Mieruko is Slice of Life + Horror, aka "Slice of Horror".
  • As is typical of SoL, characterization is fairly important. We see that with Mieruko's and all the side characters having the character be slowly developed. E.g. Tattooed Yakuza Cat man, and Cat Teacher.
  • Now if I were Mieruko, I would be doing my damnedest to understand more about these things, and how to deal with them. But that's not what the story is. Doing that would change the fundamental feel/genre of the story. Your complaint is that tea isn't sufficiently coffee'ish. ... Action Horror is great, but this Slice of Horror is damned good and pretty unique as well. (Closest that comes to mind is "Mushi-shi" -- though that's more Slice of Strange rather than Slice of Horror.)
  • There's not really any deep plot here. These spirit things are around and just part of the world. It's not like Mieruko or anyone else is going to eradicate them. Probably they're more like "spiritual pollution" that derives from normal human existence. We are slowly learning more about the world, but that sort of development is not the main priority of the story. That's more of a slow background thing as is typical of an SoL story.
PS: If you want to have genuine discussions, then just make your points. Throwing out insults just hurts whatever valid argument you might have and makes you look like an ass.
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Dex-chan lover
Jul 30, 2023
the ghost
Dex-chan lover
Jan 20, 2021
Nice that that was a god. He was just watching over everyone enjoying the festivities. I'm still hanging onto the belief that Miko only sees them as terrifying because that's how they appear for her but not necessarily to others.
Jan 11, 2023
Maybe nothing will come of it, but I'm worried Hana made a "Deal" with the Park Kami like what happened with the Fox Kami. I don't think it had anything to do with maintaining it's territory and was just people watching until Hana made a request. Some variant of "Keep Julia safe", I assume & that's why it left the grappy ghost alone until it made a move on Julia. Hopefully her offering is enough to satisfy it
she didn't ask for anything so I think it's fine

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