Even without a big creepy ghost scene, just the one quick page, this was a solid chapter. Always nice to see not all of the ghosts are evil. Can’t wait to see what happens and what the hell is up with Romm.
@lazyoldman yeah it already happened a few times, like when Miruko helped out the old lady who mumbles numbers. I’m curious why only some spirit are pure like that, but the majority of what she sees are just evil/corrupted youkai.
@Oukishi perhaps, most of the pure spirits have already ascended because they have no lingering desire like the old man in this chapter. His last desire was only to inform Mitsue about Miko and then he disappeared after having fulfilled it
I think the ghost that stay sane are those that are staying just for a short time before continuing (i think the longer they stay the worse their sanity gets), those of loved animals and people that stay only to protect those loved.