This is great stuff. I'm hoping they'll greenlight a season 2 of the Anime. At this point, there may be just enough material, or maybe almost enough at worst.
I guess. It's not like it hurts anyone if there's more flavors of something than most of us even care to try. Someone out there likes the others enough to buy them, or not and they'll get discontinued in due time. That might disappoint some niche fans, but it's better to have loved and lost than to never have loved at all or some preachy bullshit like that?
@CrazyYanmega a year late reply but Arata's probably a talented kid. I remember someone saying they can focus so they can normally appear on photos, but their facial expression would look weird because of too much focusing. I think it was Konoha who said it.
Well, he might be talented enough to show up in pictures without looking weird... but remember, there was another way to photograph them... the one used by Benio; psychic imprinting =P